Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Notion of Nation essays
The Notion of Nation papers Nation may mean contrasting things to unique individuals. To most Americans, the word implies a majority rules system where opportunity rules and energy is as yet solid. In a law based country, achievement is available to pretty much anybody with new thoughts. characterizes the word as A generally huge gathering of individuals sorted out under a solitary, for the most part free government; a nation. However, only a brief look at the countries who include the United Nations show exactly how free that definition can be. A portion of the part states incorporate Iran, Iraq, China, Viet Nam, and the US. Obviously, there are very varying types of government and national loyalties at work in every one of these nations, but then they are all known as countries. At the point when the term country initially came into utilization, it appeared to speak to countries that had picked up their autonomy, or had framed normal bonds to make a bigger country state, for example, the provincial United States, or on the other hand the early Grecian country state, otherwise called a realm from the outset. It appears countries can draw out the best in their kin, yet that is not generally the situation. A few countries gain opportunities for their kin, while others stifle their kin. A significant piece of any country are the individuals who share it, for they bring their own aggregate pride and nationalism to their country, and they can make it solid, or cut it down. Obviously, the best countries see how to mix government with the individuals' desires and concerns. Not all countries handle this successfully, and this is the reason there is by all accounts such a great amount of unrest in the world. Countries can't generally concede to themselves and their needs, thus they can't discuss these necessities with the countries encompassing them. Patriotism is a solid inclination of national pride, and the most grounded countries develop this pride, while as yet figuring out how to function adequately with different countries of the world.... <!
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Reducing Side Effects of ADHD Medicine in Children
Reducing Side Effects of ADHD Medicine in Children ADHD Treatment Print Coping With Side Effects of ADHD Medicine for Children By Keath Low Keath Low, MA, is a therapist and clinical scientist with the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities at the University of North Carolina. She specializes in treatment of ADD/ADHD. Learn about our editorial policy Keath Low Updated on September 17, 2019 ADHD Overview Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Living With In Children Thanasis Zovoilis/Getty Images If your child is on medicine for his ADHD symptoms, you may hear some complaints about stomachaches or headaches. Some kids experience a decrease in appetite. Others begin to have difficulty falling asleep at night. These are all common side effects of stimulant medications. Though side effects may occur, especially in the first few weeks of treatment, most will disappear on their own as your child’s body adjusts to the medication. “For most children, the benefit of treatment outweighs any potential side effects,†says Michael Goldstein, MD, neurologist and vice president of the American Academy of Neurology. In the meantime, here are some simple strategies parents can implement to minimize common side effects. Managing Side Effects of ADHD Medications Stomach Aches To help reduce stomach complaints, have your child take his medicine with food or following a meal. Headaches Like stomachaches, headaches may be helped by taking the medication with food. Sometimes, however, headaches can be caused by a mineral deficiency; some children with ADHD have been found to be deficient in magnesium, which may result in headaches. What Experts Say “Equally important is to make sure your child is eating a balanced diet that is naturally rich in magnesium, B vitamins, and other helpful nutrients.â€â€" Jennifer Shu, MD, a pediatrician and author. Decreased Appetite Give your child healthy, calorie-dense snacks throughout the day, especially at peak appetite times. Try apples or bananas with peanut butter, cheese, and crackers, protein bars, a hard-boiled egg, and a slice of toast, muffins and a glass of milk, etc. Additionally, you can talk with your child’s doctor about planning for the medication dosage to be taken after mealtimes. Difficulty Falling Asleep Sleep issues in children with ADHD are a common occurrence. Sometimes the stimulant medication affects sleep. Other times, the restlessness that accompanies ADHD causes difficulty falling asleep. A good sleep routine is also very important. Make this time is a special time. Begin to settle down about at least a half an hour before bedtime. While it might not be time to go up to bed yet, it is helpful to have your child engage in quiet activities. It can be hard to transition from playing basketball or a fast-paced computer game to going straight to bed. Have your child move to activities such as reading, putting together puzzles, or coloring in preparation for bedtime. Establish a bedtime routineâ€"have your child use the bathroom, wash his hands, brush his teeth, get into his pajamas, listen to soothing music, read a book, then say goodnight. Try to have your child go to bed at the same time each night and keep a regular wake-up time in the morning. If your child seems to have more difficulty falling asleep after starting medication, you may also want to ask their doctor if you can administer the medication earlier in the day or discontinue an afternoon or evening dose. How to Help Your Child Take Their ADHD Medication Contacting Your Childs Doctor If these strategies do not alleviate side effects, be sure to consult with your child’s doctor. Additional side effects that you will want to discuss include increased anxiety, irritability, and tics (involuntary motor or vocal movements, such as excessive eye blinking, facial grimaces, muscle tensing, coughing, throat clearing, etc.). The doctor may address the specific preparation of the stimulant, as this can be an important factor in managing side effects, particularly sleep disturbance and agitation/irritability. For example, Concerta (a long-acting Ritalin preparation) may be used in the morning with an addition of a short-acting Ritalin in the early afternoon to allow for fuller day coverage and an afternoon dose that wears off before bedtime. In addition, an individual may sometimes have more or less side effects on Ritalin (methylphenidate drug preparations) versus Adderall (amphetamine drug preparations). These are all issues your child’s doctor can assess. What Parents Need Before Stopping a Childs ADHD Medication
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Quines son indocumentados y cules son sus derechos
La definicià ³n de los indocumentados en Estados Unidos es clara. Son los extranjeros que no tienen estatus migratorio legal y su presencia en los Estados Unidos es objeto de gran debate polà tico. En este artà culo se explica quià ©nes son indocumentados, cuà ¡les son sus nà ºmeros y procedencia, quà © sucede si son arrestados, por quà © no regularizan su situacià ³n y, finalmente, cuà ¡les son sus derechos. Quià ©nes son los indocumentados en Estados Unidos Son las personas de otros paà ses que se encuentran en Estados Unidos y carecen de estatus legal desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias. En general, hay 3 formas en las que un extranjero se convierte en indocumentado: En primer lugar, por cruzar la frontera sin ser examinado por un oficial de inmigracià ³n que autoriza la entrada como admitido o parole. El caso tà pico es el de cruzar la frontera entre Mà ©xico y Estados Unidos, principalmente por el desierto. Esta es una actividad cada vez mà ¡s difà cil, por el incremento de seguridad en la frontera. Y tambià ©n muy peligrosa, por el tipo de personas inescrupulosas que controlan el cruce ilegal de la frontera y tambià ©n porque cada vez se realiza mà ¡s por rutas que cruzan el desierto durante varios dà as, lo cual hace que decenas de personas fallezcan cada aà ±o por deshidratacià ³n. Cruzar ilegalmente la frontera se considera como la forma mà ¡s frecuente de convertirse en indocumentado. Por la propia naturaleza de que este cruce no està ¡ registrado es difà cil realizar un cà ¡lculo exacto. Pero se considera que aproximadamente por cada migrante arrestado cuando intentaba ingresar ilegalmente, 2 migrantes lo han conseguido. En segundo lugar, entrar con una visa o legalmente como la tarjeta de Cruce o una ESTA por ser de un paà s en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados y quedarse mà ¡s allà ¡ del tiempo autorizado. En el aà ±o fiscal 2015 un total de 525,127 migrantes lo hicieron. Esto es lo que tambià ©n se conoce como overstay de la visa y tiene serias consecuencias. Y, en tercer lugar, cometer una violacià ³n migratoria. Un caso tà pico, es trabajar sin autorizacià ³n. Nà ºmero de indocumentados en EE.UU. y origen Se estima que aproximadamente en la actualidad hay unos 11.3 millones de indocumentados, este nà ºmero es menor al mà ¡ximo histà ³rico del aà ±o 2000. El 52 por ciento del total de indocumentados ha nacido en Mà ©xico. Es decir, aproximadamente 6.5 millones de personas. El segundo paà s con mà ¡s indocumentados es El Salvador, con mà ¡s de medio millà ³n, seguido de Guatemala y Honduras. Muchos indocumentados forman parte de los que se conoce como familias mixtas, es decir, uno o varios de sus miembros carecen de estatus legal y otros son residentes permanentes o, incluso, ciudadanos americanos. Se estima que en la actualidad aproximadamente 4 millones de nià ±os estadounidenses tienen al menos un progenitor que es indocumentado. Pero estos infantes nada pueden hacer por sus padres, desde el punto de vista migratorio, hasta cumplir los 21 aà ±os. E incluso entonces no siempre es posible solucionar el problema. Indocumentado e ilegal Sà , desde el punto de vista migratorio es lo mismo un indocumentado que un ilegal. Sin embargo, se considera polà ticamente incorrecto dentro de la comunidad latina llamar ilegal a una persona sin estatus migratorio en regla. De hecho, existe una fuerte campaà ±a medià ¡tica para conseguir que los medios de comunicacià ³n eviten el uso de esa palabra, que se considera despectiva y que se use exclusivamente la de indocumentado. Quà © les puede suceder a los indocumentados si son detenidos por la migra Los indocumentados pueden ser enviados a prisià ³n mientras se tramita su caso. De hecho, como media cada dà a hay mà ¡s de 31 mil migrantes detenidos. Ademà ¡s, pueden ser deportados, expulsados inmediatamente, liberados o pueden incluso en casos muy particulares ajustar su estatus y obtener asà la green card. Cabe destacar que algunos migrantes aunque teà ³ricamente son indocumentados està ¡n protegidos frente a la deportacià ³n, como por ejemplo los muchachos que en su dà a aplicaron por DACA y està ¡n renovando el programa. En la actualidad, estas son las categorà as de prioridades de deportacià ³n establecidas por orden ejecutiva de Donald Trump. Cà ³mo un indocumentado puede regularizar su situacià ³n No es imposible pero es difà cil. Y es que a diferencia de lo que ocurre en otros paà ses en Estados Unidos no existe la posibilidad de regularizar la situacià ³n por radicar en el paà s por un nà ºmero de aà ±os. (No es verdad que si se viven 10 aà ±os se obtiene la green card. Eso es un malentendido de una medida de alivio que existe en algunos casos de procedimientos de deportacià ³n ante un juez migratorio). Estas son 15 posibilidades de legalizacià ³n de indocumentados. En ocasiones es necesario pedir un perdà ³n y obtener su aprobacià ³n. Estas son las opciones para solicitar un perdà ³n migratorio, tambià ©n conocido como waiver. Son situaciones muy particulares y delicadas por lo que es aconsejable hablar con un abogado especialista en esos temas, si es posible y si no al menos ponerse en contacto con una organizacià ³n reputada de ayuda legal a migrantes o con clà nicas legales de universidades. Derechos de los indocumentados Uno de los conocimientos mà ¡s importantes para los migrantes indocumentados es saber cà ³mo hacer para saber si un indocumentado està ¡ detenido por la migra. Tambià ©n es importante saber que se tienen derechos, como a recibir el salario mà nimo por el trabajo realizado, a no ser abusado en el trabajo, a recibir ciertas prestaciones sociales, como asistencia mà ©dica de urgencia o alimentos por el programa WIC para lactantes y embarazadas. Ademà ¡s, algunos estados algunas categorà as de inmigrantes indocumentados son considerados como PRUCOL. En estos casos podrà an tener acceso a beneficios sociales de los que con carà ¡cter general està ¡n excluidos los migrantes sin papeles. Asimismo, no olvidar que todos los nià ±os tienen derecho a la educacià ³n obligatoria, sean ellos indocumentados o sà ³lo sus papà ¡s. Estos son los puntos bà ¡sicos que se recomienda conocer sobre el sistema educativo en Estados Unidos. Todos los nià ±os tienen derecho a la mejor educacià ³n disponible. Es de Justicia y se juegan, en muchos casos, su futuro. Por à ºltimo no olvidar que Estados Unidos es un paà s muy grande y que los estados tienen distintas posiciones respecto a los indocumentados. Mientras que algunos permiten derechos como la licencia de manejar otros han aprobado leyes que hacen muy difà cil vivir el dà a a dà a. Es por eso que conviene pensar bien dà ³nde vivir, si es que hay esa opcià ³n. Tambià ©n recordar que algunas ciudades mantienen polà ticas pro-inmigrantes. Por ejemplo, convirtià ©ndose en ciudades-santuario que no comparten informacià ³n con Inmigracià ³n o emitiendo I.D. para poder abrir cuentas de banco, canjear cheques, etc. Ademà ¡s, los consulados de varios paà ses emiten matrà culas consulares que pueden utilizarse como I.D. para gestiones como probar identidad para solicitar permiso de manejar en los estados que lo permiten, etc. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
On the Road Jack Kerouacs Rejection of the Middle Class...
Jack Kerouac was one of a group of young men who, immediately after the Second World War, protested against what they saw as the blandness, conformity and lack of cultural purpose of middle-class life in America. The priorities of people of their age, in the mainstream of society, were to get married, to move the suburbs, to have children and to accumulate wealth and possessions. Jack Kerouac and his friends consciously rejected this pursuit of stability and instead looked elsewhere for personal fulfillment. They were the Beats, the pioneers of a counterculture that came to be known as the Beat Generation. The Beats saw mainstream life as a prison. They wanted freedom, the freedom to pick up and go at a moments notice. This search for†¦show more content†¦I had just gotten over a serious illness that I wont bother to talk about, except that it had something to do with a miserably weary split-up and my feeling that everything was dead (Kerouac 1). Thus begins Sals life on the road and his search for a more meaningful, authentic life. He has failed to find authenticity in mainstream society but hopes to find it on societys fringes. In the novel, Sals search for authenticity begins and ends with his association with Dean Moriarty. His highly charged friendship with Dean Moriarty continues throughout the novel but finally ends with a denouement in Mexico City. In his frenetic search for authenticity, Sal encounters a continuous progression of marginalized people that include not only Deans friends and sexual partners but also hobos, migratory farm workers and black jazz musicians. Sal feels that all these people have authenticity because they all value the immediate over the traditional expectations of mainstream society. Kerouac defines the intense moment or It as the culmination of the immediate. It is well illustrated when Sal and Dean, together with a group of their Beat friends, go to a wild party at the house of Rollo Greb on Long Island, and Dean e nthuses about Rollo saying, if you go like him all the time youll finally get it. Get what? It! It! Ill tell you - now no time, we have no time now (127). Later inShow MoreRelated Importance of Dean Moriarty in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road Essay3039 Words  | 13 PagesMoriarty in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road It is Dean Moriarty, in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road, who represents the eternal flame of youth that was adopted by the rebellious youth culture of the Beat Generation. He is free from responsibility, â€Å"simply a youth tremendously excited with life†¦want[ing] so much to live and to get involved with people who would otherwise pay no attention to him†(Kerouac 4). Just as the Greek of the Olympics, â€Å"with [the] torch†¦[that] ignites the pagan dream of immortalityâ€
Development and Analysis †Case study Free Essays
The case study is about the challenge in the classroom in my working experience. It is about two twin boys who were in my class, whereby I was the class teacher. The boys were really bullies, rude, lazy and very abusive. We will write a custom essay sample on Development and Analysis – Case study or any similar topic only for you Order Now They used to abuse me, their teacher, other teachers and the other pupils. These boys really stressed me to a point that I was not even concentrating in what I was supposed to do. The father of the twins was a member of the school board and taking complaints to him all the time about the bad behaviors of the boys could cost me my job. The twins could interrupt many learning sessions by making noise, abusing and beating other children, and even saying that if I report them to their father, nothing could be done as he was a member of the board. The behaviors of the twins affected the other children who went home and told their parents about it. The parents responded by calling me and coming personally to school to complain on how the twins are affecting their children from learning and how the class teacher and the school management had been unable to contain twins. The case was challenging to my career and was degrading the name and status of the school in general. A quick and faster action had to be taken to contain the situation. Decisions had to be made whether for better or for worse since a lasting solution was needed. The boys had to be counseled and their behaviors modeled and at the same time the pupils in my class had to be counseled. The best solution for this was to apply the behavioral modeling to the twins whereby model looks closely at the behaviors of the victims, by going back by collecting data on their behavioral history. The behavioral modeling is meant to assess at the behavioral patterns of an individual from the past and relate to them to the present, know why individual is behaving in that strange manners, whether the causes for the behavior change could be the family, environment, the friends, the workplace or the community and then look for strategies that can assist in correcting the behavior and was done in the following ways; a) Initiating a session-the counselor should first initiate a session for discussion. He/she should introduce him/herself to the twins so that they could be aware of who they are going to discuss with. The initial rapport will determine on how the discussion will flow. The counselor should tell the twins what he/she expects from them and the boys should be given time to decide if they will be willing to talk but should be given options. b) Isolation- the twins should be isolated from other children. The counselors should in isolation with the twins study their behaviors and know what is really happening. He/she should dig deep into the past history of the twins, the behaviors of the family and the circumstances that have made them to behave like so. This information can only be gotten from the twins when they alone with the counselor whereby they have the freedom of expressing themselves freely. When victims of the same circumstance are mixed with people of the same problem it becomes very difficult to get information from them because those who are with them may influence their answering to the questions asked. Isolation does not mean that the twins should be completely isolated from other children or the family but put in isolation when talking to the counselor. The counselor must also make sure that the isolation process does not affect the twins but improves their concentration during the discussion exercise. c) Find out about the historical background of the family/ information gathering- the consultant should critically look at the behavioral patterns of the twins’ family before making conclusions. Are there other members of the same family who are still in school and have the same behavior? The counselor should find out whether if the had been counseled previously and if there was any impact. It will be necessary to know the behavioral patterns of their parents and then relate them to those of their children. d) Show the paternal and maternal love-the counselor should at his/her level best the paternal and maternal love to the twins. The twins may be missing the love and attention of the one or both parents, and this has made the twins to become uncontrollable as there is no one to control them and show them love and affection. Every person needs the love of both parents to grow and develop normally and if the twins are missing the love and absence of their father or mother or both of them, their mind set and behavior will change. e) Become closer to the boy- the counselor should develop a very close relationship with the twins. He/she should make sure that the twins are comfortable with him/her all the time they will be spending together. The counselor should not be sympathetic to the twins as this will worsen the situation but should make sure that they understand that what they are doing is wrong and they should be ready to change their behaviors so that they will be able to interact and mix freely with the rest of the other children. They should be told that their behaviors are affecting the whole class and that parents of the other children are complaining of their behaviors. The counselor should also involve the friends of the twins to find out more about the twins behavior when they are together. The friends should be encouraged to talk to them on changing their behavior pattern and they should at the same time tell them the consequences of their bad behavior in a friendlier manner. If the twins feel that they are insecure when they are being counseled, they should be taken to a place of their choice, but should be given options or else they will dictate the situation. This will give them more freedom to express themselves and will build confidence and trust between them and the counselor. The consultant must also involve the family members who should be urged to become closer to the twins. The parents should be told Without any fear of the bad behaviors of their children and how this has had a negative impact to the other children and to the school. The family members and friends should play a bigger role in modeling the behavior of the boys through being closer and talking positively to them on how good behaviors and manners come with good rewards. Having gone through all these steps, the twins in their minds will be in a position to condemn their bad behaviors and see the need to reform for the better. Behavioral change is a long term process which needs a lot of patience and perseverance. The above actions will help solve this crisis and also create a good learning environment for the other children and at the same time ease my work as the class teacher. How to cite Development and Analysis – Case study, Free Case study samples
Friday, April 24, 2020
Yellow Wallpaper And Darling Essays - The Darling,
Yellow Wallpaper And Darling In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's, ?The Yellow Wallpaper?, and Anton Chekhov's, ?The Darling?, we are introduced to main characters with lives surrounded by control. In Gilman's, ?The Yellow Wallpaper?, the main character, which remains nameless, is controlled by her husband, John. He tells her what she is and is not allowed to do, where she is to live, and that is she is not permitted to see her own child. In Chekhov's, ?The Darling?, the main character, Olenka, allows her own opinions and thoughts to be those of her loved ones. When John puts the narrator into the room, she writes in despite of him telling her that she should not. At the end of her first passage, the narrator tells us, ?There comes John, and I must put this away ? he hates to have me write a word?. The narrator was told that writing and any other intellectual activity would exhaust her. The only thing that exhausts her about it is hiding it from them. The narrator tells us, ?I did write for a while in spite of them; but it does exhaust me a good deal ? having to be so sly about it, or else meet with heavy opposition?. Conrad Shumaker suggests that John believes that if someone uses too much imagination then they will not be able to figure out reality. ?He fears that because of her imaginative ?temperament' she will create the fiction that she is mad and come to accept it despite the evidence ? color, weight, appetite ? that she is well. Imagination and art are subversive because they threaten to undermine his materialistic universe? In Gilman's ?Why I Wrote the Yellow Wallpaper?, Gilman tells us that when she was sent home from the rest cure, Dr. Mitchell gave her ?solemn advice to ?live as domestic a life as far as possible,' to ?have but two hours intellectual life a day,' and ?never to touch pen, brush, or pencil again' as long? as she lived. The narrator cannot even be around or raise her baby. John hired a nanny, Mary, to take care of him. This even makes her more nervous. The narrator tells us, ?It is fortunate Mary is so good with the baby. Such a dear baby! And yet I cannot be with him, it makes me so nervous?. In this short story, the narrator was forced to stay without her baby. In the introduction Thomas L. Erskine and Connie L. Richards tell us, Gilman was ?very much like her father in important ways, for she ?abandoned' her daughter to her husband and like him, preferred to deal with her emotions at a distance ? in letters, books, or in her fiction?. From this we see that Gilman actually had a choice on whether to be without her child. In the story, the narrator was told not to have her child around because of stress. When the narrator tells about the room, she says, ?I don't like our room a bit. I wanted something downstairs that opened to the piazza and had roses all over the window, such pretty old-fashioned chintz hangings! But John would not hear of it?. The room has barred windows and ?rings and things in the walls?. The narrator hates the ugly yellow wallpaper, but when she wanted John to change it, he told her ?that I was letting it get the better of me, and nothing was worse for a nervous patient than to give way to such fancies?. Every time the narrator asked John for a different room, he threatens her with a room in the basement. Personally, I believe that John is doing everything wrong to help the narrator. Treating her like a child did not help her get well, it was her own strength at the end of the story that made her well again. John told the narrator not to write, see her child, and which room to live in. In Chekhov's, ?The Darling?, Olenka's opinions changed with and as often as her husbands. When she was married to Kukin, the manager of a theatre, all of her thoughts were of the theatre. Whatever ?Kukin said about the theatre and the actors she repeated.? She repeated these things as if she loved the theatre her entire life. She never even spoke of the theatre until Kukin came into her life. Only three months after Kukin dies, she meets Pustovalov, a timber merchant, and marries him. She started talking about timber as if ?she had
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The irrealis were can say hello to the Dodo
The irrealis were can say hello to the Dodo The irrealis were can say hello to the Dodo The irrealis were can say hello to the Dodo By Maeve Maddox Reader Mariana Blaser recently brought up the question of the subjunctive use of were. She gave the following examples: If she were younger, she would have enjoyed that trip. I wish I were stronger. or He wished he were stronger.  Somehow the second sentence feels odd to me. Using the verb flexed in the plural form with wish should also be used with he, she and (eventually) it? Before I could respond, she found her own answer in an article by Jan Freeman in the Boston Globe. I’m happy to say I anticipated this verdict in my post on subjunctive were: To a large extent, English speakers don’t pay much attention to the subjunctive. The upshot of the Globe article is that although sites like this one still offer guidelines for its use, the subjunctive use of were is is a non-issue. According to Geoffrey Pullum, co-author of the Cambridge Grammar of the English Language and a linguist at Edinburgh University, we can substitute was for subjunctive were in any context. Fade away: The slow retirement of a tricky subjunctive Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Wether, Weather, WhetherItalicizing Foreign WordsDouble Possessive
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Battle of Talavera - Napoleonic Wars Battle of Talavera - Peninsular War Battle of Talavera
Battle of Talavera - Napoleonic Wars Battle of Talavera - Peninsular War Battle of Talavera Battle of Talavera - Conflict: The Battle of Talavera was fought during the Peninsular War which was part of the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). Battle of Talavera - Date: The fighting at Talavera occurred on July 27-28, 1809. Armies Commanders: England Spain Sir Arthur WellesleyGeneral Gregorio de la Cuesta20,641 British34,993 Spanish France Joseph BonaparteMarshal Jean-Baptiste JourdanMarshal Claude-Victor Perrin46,138 men Battle of Talavera - Background: On July 2, 1809, British forces under Sir Arthur Wellesley crossed into Spain after defeating the corps of Marshal Nicolas Soult. Advancing east, they sought to unite with Spanish forces under General Gregoria de la Cuesta for an attack on Madrid. In the capital, French forces under King Joseph Bonaparte prepared to meet this threat. Assessing the situation, Joseph and his commanders elected to have Soult, who was then in the north, advance to cut Wellesleys supply lines to Portugal, while the corps of Marshal Claude Victor-Perrin advanced to block the allied thrust. Battle of Talavera - Moving to Battle: Wellesley united with Cuesta on July 20, 1809, and the allied army advanced on Victors position near Talavera. Attacking, Cuestas troops were able to force Victor to retreat. As Victor withdrew, Cuesta elected to pursue the enemy while Wellesley and the British remained at Talavera. After marching 45 miles, Cuesta was compelled to fall back after encountering Josephs main army at Torrijos. Outnumbered, the Spanish rejoined the British at Talavera. On July 27, Wellesley sent forward General Alexander Mackenzies 3rd Division to aid in covering the Spanish retreat. Due to confusion in the British lines, his division suffered 400 casualties when it was attacked by the French advance guard. Arriving at Talavera, the Spanish occupied the town and extended their line north along a stream known as the Portina. The Allied left was held by the British whose line ran along a low ridge and occupied a hill known as the Cerro de Medellin. In the center of the line they built a redoubt which was supported by the General Alexander Campbells 4th Division. Intending to fight a defensive battle, Wellesley was pleased with the terrain. Battle of Talavera - The Armies Clash: Arriving on the battlefield, Victor immediately send forward the division of General Franà §ois Ruffin to seize the Cerro even though night had fallen. Moving through the darkness, they nearly reached the summit before the British were alerted to their presence. In the sharp, confused fight that followed, the British were able to throw back the French attack. That night, Joseph, his chief military advisor Marshal Jean-Baptiste Jourdan, and Victor plotted their strategy for the next day. Though Victor favored launching a massive assault on Wellesleys position, Joseph decided on making limited attacks. At dawn, the French artillery opened fire on the Allied lines. Ordering his men to take cover, Wellesley awaited the French assault. The first attack came against the Cerro as Ruffins division moved forward in columns. Moving up the hill, they were met with heavy musket fire from the British. After enduring this punishment the columns disintegrated as the men broke and ran. With their attack defeated, the French command paused for two hours to assess their situation. Electing to continue the battle, Joseph ordered another assault on the Cerro while also sending forward three divisions against the Allied center. While this attack was ongoing, Ruffin, supported by troops from General Eugene-Casimir Villattes division were to attack the north side of the Cerro and attempt to flank the British position. The first French division to attack was that of Leval which struck the junction between the Spanish and British lines. After making some progress, it was thrown back by intense artillery fire. To the north, Generals Horace Sebastiani and Pierre Lapisse assaulted General John Sherbrookes 1st Division. Waiting for the French to close to 50 yards, the British opened fire in one massive volley staggering the French attack. Charging forward, Sherbrookes men drove back the first French line until being stopped by the second. Hit by heavy French fire, they were forced to retreat. The gap in the British line was quickly filled by part of MacKenzies division and the 48th Foot which was led into place by Wellesley. These forces held the French at bay until Sherbrookes men could be reformed. To the north, Ruffin and Villattes attack never developed as the British moved into blocking positions. They were handed a minor victory when Wellesley ordered his cavalry to charge them. Surging forward, the horsemen were stopped by a hidden ravine that cost them around half their strength. Pressing on, they were easily repulsed by the French. With the attacks defeated, Joseph elected to retire from the field despite requests from his subordinates to renew the battle. Battle of Talavera - Aftermath: The fighting at Talavera cost Wellesley and the Spanish around 6,700 dead and wounded (British casualties: 801 dead, 3,915 wounded, 649 missing), while the French incurred 761 dead, 6,301 wounded and 206 missing. Remaining at Talavera after the battle due to a lack of supplies, Wellesley still hoped that the advance on Madrid could be resumed. On August 1, he learned that Soult was operating in his rear. Believing Soult to only have 15,000 men, Wellesley turned and marched to deal with the French marshal. When he learned that Soult had 30,000 men, Wellesley backed off and began withdrawing towards the Portuguese border. Though the campaign had failed, Wellesley was created Viscount Wellington of Talavera for his success on the battlefield. Selected Sources British Battles: Battle of TalaveraPeninsular War: Battle of TalaveraHistory of War: Battle of Talavera
Friday, February 14, 2020
Pyschological and Sociological Theoretical Explanations of Suicide Essay
Pyschological and Sociological Theoretical Explanations of Suicide - Essay Example The hopelessness theory also well defines the psychological aspect of suicide which, according to Beck’s concept of cognitive triad, makes a person think negatively about himself, his future and the world around him (1979). Emile Durkheim gave the sociological theoretical explanation of suicide (Pickering, Walford & British Centre for Durkheimian Studies, 2000). According to him, there are four kinds of suicide that result from discrepancies in a person’s ties with the society (Craighead & Nemeroff, 2002, p.1653). Altruistic suicides are those suicides that have to be committed in order to please the society, like satti in India. Egoistic suicide results from weak or too few ties with the society. Anomic suicide occurs when the ties with the society get a setback all at once, like the death of a friend. Fatalistic suicides result from excessive regulation of a person in society, like slaves and prisoners. Thus, society makes a person act in a certain way which, at times, can lead to suicide. This sociological explanation of Durkheim is still accepted by all
Saturday, February 1, 2020
To what extent do transnational media exert influence on Asian Essay
To what extent do transnational media exert influence on Asian countries ---outline - Essay Example The sweeping wave of globalization has greatly impacted the media industry. Today, national and regional boundaries have ceased to contain flaws and flows even as countries struggle to institute measures to control international communications a noted by Alterman (1998). There are several advantages and disadvantages that have been associated with international communication as presented by media. Some of its advantages include the easy flow of ideas, influencing such things as transnational movements of people, capital, and goods. New practices in media have greatly shaped media spaces leading to the establishment of contemporary cultures and doing away with age old orders. Asian countries previously were considered to be closed societies, almost geographically isolated from one another (TBS nd). This has however changed due to a myriad of reasons. This study will focus on the extent to which transnational media influences Asian countries. Main Objective 1. To establish the extent t o which transnational media has influenced Asian countries Specific Objectives 1. To establish the presence and operation of transnational media in Asian countries 2. To establish the extent to which transnational media operates in various Asian countries 3.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Faithing :: Essays Papers
Faithing Faith is an odd sort of virtue. In these days of televangelism, tracts, and the "Christian right," one would be tempted to identify faith with a set of beliefs, a conglomerate of successive religious propositions that one has accepted; a branch of one’s "mental furniture," so to speak. However, to limit one’s definition of faith to this narrow band is to do faith itself a disservice. In the history of literature and philosophy alike, there are those who have conceived of faith rather differently. Among these are Myles Connolly and Sà ¸ ren Kierkegaard in their respective works Mr. Blue and Judge for Yourself! What these men seek to effect is not so much a redefinition of faith as a refinement and expansion it. Principles, yes, they say; but furthermore, actions flowing out of those principles. This type of faith is thus characterized not only by beliefs, but also the natural actions that come from those beliefs. In this way, faith becomes something that envelopes a per son’s whole being; it is transmuted into a complete orientation for one’s life. This type of faith, extolled by Kierkegaard, is embodied in the character of J. Blue in Myles Connolly’s book Mr. Blue. Blue was a rather singular person to say the least. At the very beginning of the book, the narrator says the following of Blue: I have not the slightest doubt he would have been †¦ immensely happy in a poorhouse. He had no money. When by accident he happened upon some he gave it away. He worked here and there for his meals and a place to sleep. He roamed eastern United States and really did get abroad. The while he lived gloriously, and, withal, religiously. He impressed one as a sort of gay, young, and gallant monk without an Order. Or perhaps his Order was life, and the world his monastery. (15) Such a person was Blue. He had little interest in possessions, he was much more entranced by a bright splash of color, a marching band, or a sunset viewed off the top of a skyscraper. But above all, his profession, if he could be said to have one, was people. Blue was in love with people, his eyes sparkled for them, his mind was on fire for them, his heart bled for them. Blue’s idea of the ultimate life project was to establish what he called the "Spies of God," an unorganized group of people that simply went around loving other people, people in need, poor people.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Mcsa Networking Basics Essay
Introduction What is a network? A network can be defined as two or more computers which are linked together to share resources. These resources can include internet access, printers, software and files. The ‘heart’ of a network is called the server, and its function is to contain all the software and services which the network and its users depend on. Figure 1: Example of a basic network The server is operated by personnel called Network or System Administrators, and it’s their responsibility to ensure the smooth running of the network so it is working as efficiently as possible. This is achieved through the use of a dedicated operating system called Windows Server 2003 – this gives the network administrator complete control over the network functions. Advantages for a network Cost Because networked computers can share the same resources, costs can be dramatically reduced. For example, if there are ten computers in a room each needing access to a printer – it is far cheaper to route all ten computers to a single, shared printer than it is to purchase ten printers; one for each computer. In this example, the saving would also include the cost of ink cartridges (you would only need to purchase one set of cartridges instead of ten). Software can be purchased and installed in a similar cost effective way. Most popular software is able to be bought and installed on a server, and anyone who requires to use it will only need to purchase a license (the legal rights to use it, usually in the form of a certificate). These licenses are far cheaper than buying the software for each user. This method also means that it isn’t necessary for an I.T Technician to install the software on every computer; only one install on the server is needed. Another benefit to this approach is when the software requires an update. If it is server based, only the software on the server would need to be updated. All the users would benefit from the update as soon as it has been installed. If each user had a copy on their computer, I.T Technicians would need to update each one. This could become time consuming, expensive and complicated. The software that this could apply to, includes most Microsoft software and Anti-virus software. Security Security is a vital element in any business. In a network, security is enhanced both internally (security within the network) and externally. Users are given a username and password to access their files and all the programs, hardware etc that they have been given access to. When a user saves a file, it is saved to the server and not the computer that he/she is working on. If that user wants to retrieve that file, it can be done on any computer on the network, and not just on the computer that was originally used. This data can be accessed, monitored and backed up by the Network Administrator at any time. Each department can have their own ‘identity’ on the server, which allows them to have access to files, applications and resources which would be relevant to their requirements. For example, the Accounts department may need to have access to invoicing software (e.g. Sage and Excel), whereas Sales may only require software to monitor and forecast sales over a period of time (e.g. Excel). Accounts may not want other departments accessing their software due to security or confidentiality reasons. Internet security is tighter for both users accessing the internet, and external threats when a network is set up. All the computers can share a single access point to the internet, which makes it easier to monitor internet usage, help reduce hacking and other external threats trying to access data on the network. Another feature which can be applied by the system administrator is Encryption. Data within a folder/subfolder can be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access to data if other security measures have been breached. Typically, only system administrators will be given the ‘recovery key’ to be able to decrypt data incase of system failure or other unforeseen situations. Disadvantages for a network Expensive to install The initial cost of setting up a network can be expensive, with hardware like the server, router, cabling, backup equipment, network printers and server software. Also, dedicated personnel must be hired to keep the server running efficiently and to resolve any server/network issues. Centralised Data Having all of the data in one place means that data could be lost in the event of a system failure. Regular backups of the server are highly recommended (daily, weekly and monthly) to help to keep data safe. But if the server goes down in between backups then all the recent data will be lost. Reduced Performance The server’s performance can become reduced as the network expands or as its workload increases through the working day. A server must have as much memory and processing power as possible to help minimise the reduction in performance. Task 2a Network Topology is the description of how a network is laid out, the devices (server, routers, printers etc) attached to it and the direction which data flows. A network can be described as either Logical Topology (the way data flows in a network) or as a Physical Topology (how a network is physically laid out) There are six main topologies, Bus, Ring, Star, Extended Star, Hierarchical, and Mesh. Bus Topology This can be both a Physical and Logical, in a local area network (LAN), each device is connected by a single cable. This single cable is also referred to as the ‘backbone’ of the network. A terminator must be on either side of the cable to prevent the data signal from bouncing back down it. The Bus Topology was widely used in early networks using standard Co-ax cables. It was an economical solution for networking as only one main cable was needed. The disadvantage to this was if this cable failed, the whole network would go down. Ring Topology In a Ring Topology (also known as IBM Ring Token), each computer (node) is connected to each other in a closed loop. Each computer has its own unique identity on the network. When data is transmitted from one node to the other, the data will include the destination’s identity and will pass through each node until it reaches the destination. This type of topology has two main disadvantages; only one computer can transmit data on the network at a time and if a computer fails the whole network will go down. There is a slight variation to this; the Duel Ring Topology The second ring within the network provides a backup connection, so if there is a failure within the network, the secondary connection will keep the network connected. This is expensive as more cabling is required. Star Topology The most common type is called a Star Topology. Each device is connected to a dedicated central hub. All the data on the network flows through the network via the central hub. These types of networks tend to be small, as data could be degraded or lost on a large network. The main advantages to this is that it is easy to setup and easy to add new devices to the network. But if the central hub fails, the whole network goes down. Extended Star Similar to the Star Topology, but instead computers are grouped together and connected to a local hub, which in turn is connected to a central hub. This is widely used in large networks where the network may be in a large building, and each group of computers may represent each department. There are more points of failure on this network, but if a local hub fails, then the rest of the network will not be affected. Hierarchical or Tree Topology This is very similar to a Ring Topology, but computers are attached to the central hub in layers. While the structure looks different, this still has the main disadvantage of network failure if the top device goes down. Mesh Topology All the above topologies suffer from the same problem. If one device fails on the network, the whole network goes down. The only solution is to connect each device with each other and remove the need for a server. This is the Mesh Topology and has two main advantages; If a device fails, the network will still work and the network doesn’t need to rely on the processing power, bandwidth etc from a server as it is supplied from each computer. The disadvantage to this is the high cost of connecting each device to each other, so this would not be suitable on a large network. This type of topology is also referred to as Peer-to-Peer whereas the other topologies are considered to be Client/Server based. A comprise between cost and connectivity would be the Partial Connected Topology. Devices are connected to more than one node on the network, so if one fails the network can still work. This is more cost effective than Mesh Topology as less cabling is required. Task 2b Recommendations As it stands, the structure of the current network is a Hierarchical or Tree Topology. The network uses two different switches to connect the Domain Controller to the 24 computers. These are from two manufacturers; CISCO and 3Com and this offers 100Mb and 10Mb speeds respectively. This is a disadvantage because one ‘group’ of computers has a quicker data transfer rate than the other. The network does not have a disaster recovery plan should the Domain Controller fail. This has the potential for putting the whole network at risk from permanent data loss. The network also shares a single printer which is attached to the Domain Controller, 10 of the computers are connected to it through the slower 3Com 10Mb switch. This means all 24 computers print via the Domain Controller (which is currently overloaded) and 10 computers send data at a slower rate than the rest of the network. My first recommendation would be to replace both switches with a single CISCO 100Mb 48 port switch ( £631.99 from MISCO website). This would provide a standard, quicker data transfer speed throughout the network and allow for the network to expand. There are a total of 24 computers, and this switch would enable a further 24 devices to be added to the network e.g. additional computers, printers etc. This would allow the network to expand whilst maintaining a fast data transfer speed. With the new switch in place, my next recommendation would be to replace the HP Laserjet III (USB connection only) with a newer, network-ready printer like the HP Laserjet 2055DN or P2030 which costs  £319 and  £160 from HP website. By replacing it with a newer model, printing could be completed quicker, quieter and more cost effectively e.g. more reliable printing, more energy efficient, lower consumable costs etc. Also, sharing the workload throughout a faster network is more efficient than channelling all the printing requirements of the network to an older single printer on a slow 10Mb switch via the Domain Controller. This will also help reduce the workload to the Domain Controller. While the Domain Controller’s workload can be reduced by the addition of a network-ready printer, other options could be to increase the specifications (e.g greater hard drive space, more memory etc). Ensuring the controller has the latest software updates will ensure both the running efficiency and increase the network security. This will help prevent unauthorised access (hacking) to the network. My final recommendation is add disaster recovery and remote working within the network, By regularly backing up data on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, this will ensure the network can be restored in case of total data loss. To assist learning or to prevent students from accidentally causing errors/problems within the network, remote working should be enabled. User accounts can be easy created in Active Directory though the use of a standard template. Templates could be set up for both students and tutors, so all of the common properties of the accounts are already established. When a new user account is required, the administrator will only need to complete the fields that require unique values (eg, name, address, telephone number, course details etc). Once the users have been created within the Active Directory, they can be placed into Organisational Units (OU’s). This will group together users, so in this situation students could be placed in OU’s which represent their course. When the OU’s are established, the users’ configuration settings can be applied through the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). It holds hundreds of user configuration settings, security options and user event logs, all which can be applied as required by the college administrators. Figure 2: Example of the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) By using Group Policies effectively, the administrator can control and manage exactly what users can and cannot do whilst logged onto the domain. Administrators are able to control how the desktop appears, the icons that are available and the ability to configure the task bar etc by applying the Desktop setting found within the ‘User Configuration’ in the GPMC. This could be useful if the college policy states that all users must have the Llandrillo College logo as their wallpaper, and various required icons are in place and users to have access to various programs via the ‘start’ menu. To improve password security, administrators are able to increase the effectiveness of the passwords that users apply to protect their identity on the network. The password options can be found within the ‘Password Policy’ within the ‘Computer Configuration section of the GPMC. These options include the ability to reuse old passwords, to apply complexed passwords (eg. more than 6 characters, using upper, lower case letters and digits 0-9). In the example, a programmer has created a random word generator to create passwords. Group policy could be configured so when they log on for the first time, users input the randomly generated password and then they must input their own password using a complexed password. If the user ever forgets the password at any time, administrators are able to reset it through the ‘Active Directory Users & Computers’ tool. Figure 3: Example of Password Policy within GPMC To prevent users from using too much disk space on the network, administrators are able to allocate limited disk space to users and by applying prompts when this space is nearly used up. By putting this in place, administrators can calculate how many users will be on the system multiplied by how much hard disk space each user will be allocated. This total will be the minimum amount of disk space required for all users in each new academic year. Administrators will be able to ensure the server can physically hold all the users data without completely running out or running low of disk space. To achieve this, administrators will need to locate the allocated hard drive and apply a quota, limiting users on how much space they can use. Individual users can have separate entries in the quota, allowing them to have a lesser or a greater share of disk space. This would be useful for tutors who may need greater disk space to store course material etc. When the network is running, administrators may be required to monitor the networks resources to ensure it exceeds the users demands. The tool required is called the ‘Performance Console’ which is found under Administrative Tools. This tool appears in the form of a graph although it has three counters as a default (Memory:Pages/Second, PhysicalDisk: Average Disk Queue Length and Processor: % Processor Time), additional counters can be easily added or removed accordingly. A college administrator may add counters to monitor network bandwidth, server utilisation (memory, cpu performance, disk performance etc). To help administrators monitor the server, counter logs and alerts can be applied. This can enable administrators to proactively identify when system resources run too low or to identify possible hardware failures/malfunctions. Any one of these problems could result in a degraded performance or total server failure. Figure 5: Example of the Performance Console The college network may be required to support remote users, allowing them to access the college network whilst being in a different location eg working from home, from another campus etc. This can be achieved through the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN). The user will be able to access the college’s network through the use of the internet whilst achieving the required security and data encryption. The network’s firewall must have exceptions to allow authenticated users to access the network whilst preventing unauthorised access. Once the network is running effectively, the next challenge administrators will face is maintaining the security and the efficiency of the network. This can be achieved by deploying server updates and hotfixes as provided by Microsoft. The server can be updated with the use of ‘Automatic Updates’, which can be found within the ‘All Programs’ menu under the start button. Updates can be downloaded either straight away or scheduled to download at a certain day/time. This could be configured to download when the network is at its quietest time (eg 10pm). This would ensure that the update would not effect the overall performance during busy periods. Also, updates for the users computers may be required. Instead of administrators physically installing them on every computer on the network, this could be downloaded on the server as an *msi file and automatically installed via a group policy. So the next time users within the network log onto the network, they will automatically be downloaded & installing the updates from the server with no intervention required.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
A Response To Night Shift Strawberry Spring Short Story
A Response to Night Shift: Strawberry Spring Short Story Stephen King is the author of many novels and short stories with creepy settings; King admits that he fears bugs to add to the list of things that freaks him out. One of his earlier short stories from 1976, women at college fall victim to a â€Å"Jack the Ripper†style character. My analysis of King’s use of the literary elements, combined with his horror reflected in his short story, â€Å"Strawberry Spring†. (The Fact Site, 8 Apr. 2017) Author Stephen Edwin King was born on September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine. King is one of the most famous and successful horror writers of all time. His parents, Donald, and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King, split up when he was young, and he and his brother†¦show more content†¦And his releasing Doctor Sleep (2013) hitting No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list., a sequel to The Shining. (The Fact Site, 8 Apr. 2017,) The setting in â€Å"Strawberry Spring†is March 14, 1976 and begins with a husband recalling his time at college 8 years ago (Saturday, March 16th, 1968). King describes it as the â€Å"coldest winter in twenty years†giving way to warm weather causing fog to blanket the town in New England for a week. He paints a scene of rain causing the air to smell like the sea for 20 miles west of the beaches, the soft drip of water from the ancient gutters as 35 inches of snow turns to slush while ice sculptures melted. (Stephen King - Night Shift) The plot of the story denouement begins introducing the main characters, King as the unnamed student telling the story and the fog plays the second main part. Stephen becomes powerless against the need to be around the fog as though it owns him while causing headaches and memory loss. The action builds as women are murdered; one per night and totaling four. King adds to the reader’s suspense by giving light details of the gruesome murders. The first victim’s throat cut from ear to ear. The second tells a paranormal event with her head decapitated and had been found on a soggy path of ground twelve feet from the nearest sidewalk, and yet there were no footprints, not even her own. King also describes the 3rd victim murder scene as he left herShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Strawberry Spring By Stephen King1288 Words  | 6 PagesA Response to Night Shift: Strawberry Spring Short Story Stephen King is the author of novels and short stories with creepy settings admits that he even has a fear of bugs to add to the list of things that freaks him out. In one of his earlier short stories from 1976, several women at New Sharon Teachers College fall victim to a â€Å"Jack the Ripper†style character with a mysterious fog that weighs heavy over the campus. 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