Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Tempest Feminist Analysis - 1208 Words
The Undermining Power of Masculinity in The Tempest â€Å"The more people argue loudly, against feminism, the more they prove we need it†-Caitlin Moran, How to Be A Woman Sycorax is ostensibly absent from Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The witch does not appear on stage once, as she dies long before the actions of the play begin. She is, however, invoked frequently, through memories and retellings and secondhand accounts, primarily by the character of Prospero. Many critics have used Sycorax’s absence as undisputable proof that The Tempest, with few traditionally powerful female characters, is, at its core, an anti-feminist play. However, while it may seem as though the easiest way to absolve women of their power is to exclude women from the†¦show more content†¦To further manipulate Ariel by invoking Sycorax, Prospero adds, â€Å"Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee...and in her most unmitigable rage / Into a cloven pine†(1.2.322-25). It seems as though Prospero creates or at least embellishes what Ariel knows firsthand about Sycorax. But Prospero lacks firsthand observation or concrete evidence about Sycorax; thu s, Prospero constructs Sycorax as simply his opposite and tool. Because Prospero never knew Sycorax, his detailed descriptions of her can only be his own construction, which he manipulates for his benefit, specifically to legitimize his power. The more emphatically Prospero tries to demonize Sycorax’s powers, the more he evokes her permeating presence. For any structure to be created and sustained, it is necessary to have an â€Å"other†on the opposite side-- thus, by damning Sycorax, Prospero does two things; a) solidifies Sycorax as the ‘other’ or a competitor, and b) confirms the existence of a structure or ulterior motive-- in this case, patriarchal power. Thus, the implicit power struggle, which seems to be gendered, between Sycorax and Prospero is revealed. Although Sycorax is dead, Prospero’s struggle to be the stronger power is an undercurrent throughout the play. There are some commonalities between their powers,Show MoreRelatedWomen Were Birds And Unspeakable Things By Laurie Penny1407 Words  | 6 PagesWhen Women Were Birds and Unspeakable Things both champion feminist thought. Despite this commonality, the voice, stories, and themes are different and unique. Both touch on similar ideas, but the tone the authors take on are distinctive. Unspeakable Things, a novel by Laurie Penny, abrasively addresses the oppression of gender in society through the lens of girls, boys, sex, the Internet, and love and intimacy. This intersectional analysis has an overlay of the impact of neoliberalism, what PennyRead MoreDomestic Unrest And Jennifer Johnston s Fiction Of The Irish Trouble1118 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"force her son to owe her anything†(9). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
SECURITY: A NEW FRAMEWORK FOR ANALYSIS – ENVIRONMENTAL SECTOR INTRODUCTION 1. Traditionalist charge that wider agenda makes the subject incoherent and formulates security to incorporate and formulates security to incorporate the agenda. Traditionalist security patterns has considerable power to explain and predict both the formation of durable regional patterns of security relations and the patterns of outside intervention in these regions. 2. Barry Buzan in his book, people are affected by threats in different areas other than military, such as in political, economic, societal and environmental sectors. He maintains that individuals, states and the international system all play significant roles. All facets of life including†¦show more content†¦11. The environmental sector existence of two different agenda:: a. The political agenda is essentially government and intergovernmental, consist of the public decisionmaking process and public policies that address how to deal with environmental concerns. The scientific agenda underpins the political agenda is about state and public awareness off issues on scientific agenda ( how much of scientific agenda is recognized by policymaker), the acceptance of political responsibility for dealing with these issues and the political management questions that arise b. The scientific agenda is about the authoritative assessment of threat for securitizing or desecuritizing moves where as the political agenda deals with the formation of concern in the public sphere about these moves and the allocation of collective means by which to deal with the issues raised. 12. The environmental sector is made complicated by its great variety of issues: a. Disruption of ecosystems include loss of biodiversity, deforestation and other form of erosion, depletion of the ozone layer and various form of population. b. Energy problems include the depletion of natural resources such as fuel wood, various forms of pollution, including managementShow MoreRelatedJustin Salisbury Tries a Little Recognition1176 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Justin Salisbury Tries a Little Recognition – Case Study 2 Justin Salisbury Tries a Little Recognition – Case Study 2 If your company and employees do not provide good customer service you are likely to lose existing business and miss out on new possibilities. It doesn’t take much for a customer to decide that you or your company isn’t worth his or her time, effort, or money. Since customer satisfaction is crucial to building a successful, growingRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesManagement Skill Development? Given that a â€Å"skill development†course requires more time and effort than a course using the traditional lecture/discussion format, we are sometimes asked this question by students, especially those who have relatively little work experience. Reason #1: It focuses attention on what effective managers actually â€Å"do. †In an influential article, Henry Mintzberg (1975) argued that management education had almost nothing to say about what managers actually do from day toRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 PagesEmployee turnover is also extremely low in most areas. Transitions in HR management are also paying off in the Bank of Montreal, based in Montreal, Quebec. Emphasizing human resources has involved 35,000 employees in organizational success. This recognition meant focusing greater attention on the talents of diverse employees working at the bank. Specific efforts were made to expand opportunities for performance targets and measures on such factors as customer service, return on equity, and profitabilityRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesany of the customary measures we deploy to demarcate historical epochs, the twentieth century does not appear to be a very coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Night Creature Hunter’s Moon Chapter 32 Free Essays
â€Å"Fuck me,†I muttered. â€Å"I think that’s what he has in mind.†â€Å"Now what?†I asked, which seemed to be the question of the week. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 32 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Now we keep blasting wolves whenever the opportunity presents itself, search for their lair, keep an eye out for Hector night and day, and dig, dig, dig some more for a way to end this before the moon gets full.†â€Å"Because if we don’t?†â€Å"You get to do the dirty in front of every werewolf in town.†I wanted to say something flippant, but my voice betrayed me. All I could do was move my mouth. No sound came out. Jessie appeared concerned. She moved closer and patted me on the back, hard enough to make me choke, then cough. At least it was something. â€Å"I’m OK,†I managed. â€Å"Will wants to go back to Cora’s. Borrow some of her books. Wanna come?†She was babysitting me. I wasn’t going to let her. â€Å"No. I’ve got things to do.†Jessie frowned. â€Å"But – â€Å" â€Å"If what you say is true, I’m safe until the full moon. If it’s even Hector.†â€Å"We both know it’s Hector, Leigh.†I shifted my shoulders. Pain flashed across my skin. Yeah, we did. â€Å"I need some sleep,†I said. â€Å"Why don’t you come back here with the books. I’ll order pizza. We’ll brainstorm, then go out and kill things. It’ll be a girls’ night out.†She hesitated. â€Å"You promise you’ll stay inside until we get back?†â€Å"Yes, Mother.†Her eyes narrowed, but she got off the couch and moved toward the door. She seemed to have no ill effects from her own shoulder wound. I was glad. Jessie paused with her hand on the doorknob. â€Å"We know what they’re up to, Leigh. That means we’re one step ahead of them. I’ve got a good feeling about this.†â€Å"Well then, everything’s gonna be all right.†Her lips twitched. She almost laughed. â€Å"Keep on being a smart guy. You know how I love that.†The door shut behind her. I looked around the rented room, took in my bag and my laptop. I had no address but .com, no closet but a suitcase. I was suddenly sick of having nowhere to call home. When had that happened? I lay down, tried to sleep. Drifted in and out. But every time I closed my eyes I saw the mine, those human bones. There was something weird about that. They were almost like a warning. I sat bolt upright in my bed. We’d never gone past those bones and suddenly I wanted to. I glanced at the window. Night was falling. I must have drifted further than I’d thought. I’d promised Jessie I wouldn’t go outside, definitely shouldn’t at this time of night. Oh well, I’d never been very good at keeping promises. Remember the one I’d made to Jimmy? I got dressed, grabbed a few guns, some ammo, then walked downstairs. Damien’s cabin was dark. However, the bar was lit up like a major-league baseball field during the seventh-inning stretch. I headed in that direction. Even Jessie couldn’t get mad at me for investigating with Damien at my side. What better backup than a werewolf? Too bad I couldn’t tell her that. Stepping inside the tavern, I frowned. The place was empty, except for the shoes, wallets, purses, keys, and little piles of clothing. My fingers tightened on my rifle. Their lair had been here all the time. Damien had to have known. Why hadn’t he told me? Of course, I hadn’t asked. Who’d have suspected they were changing right underneath my nose? Talk about hiding in plain sight. My plans changed. I’d just sit down and wait for them to come back. I thought of how many I’d kill tonight. Maybe even Hector, though I doubted it. He wouldn’t be dumb enough to show his face here. So why was my scar burning as if it were a fresh, new wound? â€Å"Waitin’ for someone?†I gasped and spun toward the bar. Cowboy stood on top, leering, snarling, or whatever the hell it was he did with his lip. â€Å"Uh, yeah, well, I was looking for Damien.†Cowboy narrowed his eyes. â€Å"He ain’t around.†â€Å"I see that.†â€Å"Yer not gonna ask why everyone’s clothes are all over the floor?†â€Å"Why?†He snorted. â€Å"You know why.†Cowboy jumped off the bar, his boots clicking on the wood floor as he meandered toward me. I kept my hands on my guns, my eyes on his face. I’d crossed him off as a werewolf long ago, but maybe that hadn’t been such a bright idea. I’d figured if he was a shifter he’d have cured whatever ailment had made him a midget in the first place. But maybe he hadn’t. Maybe he liked being small. Maybe it got him ignored. He stopped only a foot away from me. â€Å"I got some-thin’ to show you.†He began to unbutton his shirt. I backed toward the door. â€Å"Uh, no thanks.†He smiled. â€Å"You don’t mind seeing Damien’s chest, but you don’t want to see mine?†â€Å"That about sums it up.†â€Å"Believe me, Leigh, you’re gonna want to see this.†Somehow I doubted that. I reached for the doorknob. My hand touched the brass just as Cowboy’s shirt fell open. The pentagram tattoo on his breastbone gleamed black against his pale, smooth skin. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. I lifted my gaze from his chest to his face. His eyes were weird – water flowing under dark ice. I stood there staring as Cowboy’s black irises turned blue. â€Å"Oh, God,†I whispered. His face was flowing now, the skin rippling like Silly Putty. I could see another face beneath, fighting to get out. Was he getting taller? Broader? When had Cowboy grown a goatee? The tavern spun. Tiny black spots flickered in front of my eyes. I fought the weakness, but it didn’t do any good. â€Å"Querida,†he murmured. â€Å"I’ve missed you.†I passed out cold at the toe of itty-bitty boots, which had suddenly burst open at the seams. How to cite Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 32, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Leases and Lease Structure Issues free essay sample
MEMO Date: July 18, 2011 3 Subject: Leases and Lease Structure Issues 4 To: Regional Trucking Company 5 From: Bob Stanton This memo will cover the current practice and thought related to direct financing, sales type, and operating leases. I understad that Regional Trucking Company have limited time to cover all aspects of these areas. Disclosure Requirements for Capital Leases SFAS No. 13 also requires the disclosure of additional information for capital leases. The following information must be disclosed in the lessee’s financial statements or in the accompanying footnotes: 1. The gross amount of assets recorded under capital leases as of the date of each balance sheet presented by major classes according to nature or function 2. Future minimum lease payments as of the date of the latest balance sheet presented, in the aggregate and for each of the five succeeding fiscal years 3. The total minimum sublease rentals to be received in the future under noncancelable subleases as of the date of the latest balance sheet presented 4. Total contingent rentals (rentals on which the amounts are dependent on some factor other than the passage of time) actually incurred for each period for which an income statement is presented. The lessor should report a lease as a sales-type lease when at least one of the capital lease criteria is met, both lessor certainty criteria are met, and there is a manufacturer’s or dealer’s profit (or loss). Major steps are involved in accounting for a sales-type lease by a lessor. The amount to be recorded as gross investment is the total amount of the minimum lease payments over the life of the lease, plus any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the benefit of the lessor. Once the gross investment has been determined, it is to be discounted to its present value using an interest rate that causes the aggregate present value at the beginning of the lease term to be equal to the fair value of the leased property. The rate thus determined is referred to as the interest rate implicit in the lease Applying the interest method results in a constant rate of return on the net investment in the lease. The difference between the gross investment and the unearned interest income is the amount of net investment, which is equal to the present value of the gross investment. The net investment is classified as a current or noncurrent asset on the lessor’s balance sheet in the same manner as all other assets. Income from sales-type leases is thus reflected by two amounts. 1. The gross profit (or loss) on the sale in the year of the lease agreement 2. Interest on the remaining net investment over the life of the lease agreement. When at least one of the capital lease criteria and both lessor certainty criteria are met, but the lessor has no manufacturer’s or dealer’s profit (or loss), lessors account for the lease as a direct financing lease. As with a sales-type lease, each payment received for a direct financing lease must be allocated between interest revenue and recovery of the net investment. Because the net receivable is essentially an installment loan, in the early periods of the lease a significant portion of the payment is recorded as interest; but each succeeding payment will result in a decreasing amount of interest revenue and an increasing amount of investment recovery because the amount of the net investment is decreasing. Gross investment is determined in the same way as in sales-type leases, but unearned income is computed as the difference between gross investment and the cost of the leased property. The difference between gross investment and unearned income is net investment, which is the same as in the sales-type lease. Initial direct costs in financing leases are treated as an adjustment to the investment in the leased asset. In each accounting period over the life of the lease, the unearned interest income minus the indirect cost is amortized by the effective interest method. Because the net investment is increased by an amount equal to the initial direct costs, a new effective interest rate must be determined in order to apply the interest method to he declining net investment balance. Lessees classify all leases that do not meet any of the four capital lease criteria as operating leases. The following disclosures are required for operating leases by lessees: 1. For operating leases having initial or remaining noncancelable lease terms in excess of one year: a. Future minimum rental payments required as of the date of the latest balance sheet presented in the aggregate and for each of the five succeeding fiscal years b. The total of minimum rentals to be received in the future under noncancelable subleases as of the date of the latest balance sheet presented 2. For all operating leases, rental expense for each period for which an income statement is presented, with separate amounts for minimum rentals, contingent rentals, and sublease rentals 3. A general description of the lessee’s leasing arrangements including, but not limited to, the following: a. The basis on which contingent rental payments are determined b. The existence and terms of renewals or purchase options and escalation clauses c. Restrictions imposed by lease agreements, such as those concerning dividends, additional debt, and further leasing Those leases that do not meet the criteria for classification as sales-type or direct financing leases are accounted for as operating leases by the lessor. As a result, the lessor’s cost of the leased property is reported with or near other property, plant, and equipment on the lessor’s balance sheet and is depreciated following the lessor’s normal depreciation policy. Rental payments are recognized as revenue when they become receivable unless the payments are not made on a straight-line basis. In that case, as with the lessee, the recognition of revenue is to be on a straight-line basis. Initial direct costs associated with the lease are to be deferred and allocated over the lease term in the same manner as rental revenue (usually on a straight-line basis). However, if these costs are not material, they may be charged to expense as incurred. The best course of action is to first choose a capital lease. It would probably be best if your company would buy the trucks at a later date. Since, the company is looking to lease, and probably at some point buy more trucks at some time in the future, the company should lease with an option to buy. The biggest worry that the company has is time. This being said, the best lease type to present is the sales-type lease.
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