Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Tempest Feminist Analysis - 1208 Words
The Undermining Power of Masculinity in The Tempest â€Å"The more people argue loudly, against feminism, the more they prove we need it†-Caitlin Moran, How to Be A Woman Sycorax is ostensibly absent from Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The witch does not appear on stage once, as she dies long before the actions of the play begin. She is, however, invoked frequently, through memories and retellings and secondhand accounts, primarily by the character of Prospero. Many critics have used Sycorax’s absence as undisputable proof that The Tempest, with few traditionally powerful female characters, is, at its core, an anti-feminist play. However, while it may seem as though the easiest way to absolve women of their power is to exclude women from the†¦show more content†¦To further manipulate Ariel by invoking Sycorax, Prospero adds, â€Å"Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee...and in her most unmitigable rage / Into a cloven pine†(1.2.322-25). It seems as though Prospero creates or at least embellishes what Ariel knows firsthand about Sycorax. But Prospero lacks firsthand observation or concrete evidence about Sycorax; thu s, Prospero constructs Sycorax as simply his opposite and tool. Because Prospero never knew Sycorax, his detailed descriptions of her can only be his own construction, which he manipulates for his benefit, specifically to legitimize his power. The more emphatically Prospero tries to demonize Sycorax’s powers, the more he evokes her permeating presence. For any structure to be created and sustained, it is necessary to have an â€Å"other†on the opposite side-- thus, by damning Sycorax, Prospero does two things; a) solidifies Sycorax as the ‘other’ or a competitor, and b) confirms the existence of a structure or ulterior motive-- in this case, patriarchal power. Thus, the implicit power struggle, which seems to be gendered, between Sycorax and Prospero is revealed. Although Sycorax is dead, Prospero’s struggle to be the stronger power is an undercurrent throughout the play. There are some commonalities between their powers,Show MoreRelatedWomen Were Birds And Unspeakable Things By Laurie Penny1407 Words  | 6 PagesWhen Women Were Birds and Unspeakable Things both champion feminist thought. Despite this commonality, the voice, stories, and themes are different and unique. Both touch on similar ideas, but the tone the authors take on are distinctive. Unspeakable Things, a novel by Laurie Penny, abrasively addresses the oppression of gender in society through the lens of girls, boys, sex, the Internet, and love and intimacy. This intersectional analysis has an overlay of the impact of neoliberalism, what PennyRead MoreDomestic Unrest And Jennifer Johnston s Fiction Of The Irish Trouble1118 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"force her son to owe her anything†(9). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
SECURITY: A NEW FRAMEWORK FOR ANALYSIS – ENVIRONMENTAL SECTOR INTRODUCTION 1. Traditionalist charge that wider agenda makes the subject incoherent and formulates security to incorporate and formulates security to incorporate the agenda. Traditionalist security patterns has considerable power to explain and predict both the formation of durable regional patterns of security relations and the patterns of outside intervention in these regions. 2. Barry Buzan in his book, people are affected by threats in different areas other than military, such as in political, economic, societal and environmental sectors. He maintains that individuals, states and the international system all play significant roles. All facets of life including†¦show more content†¦11. The environmental sector existence of two different agenda:: a. The political agenda is essentially government and intergovernmental, consist of the public decisionmaking process and public policies that address how to deal with environmental concerns. The scientific agenda underpins the political agenda is about state and public awareness off issues on scientific agenda ( how much of scientific agenda is recognized by policymaker), the acceptance of political responsibility for dealing with these issues and the political management questions that arise b. The scientific agenda is about the authoritative assessment of threat for securitizing or desecuritizing moves where as the political agenda deals with the formation of concern in the public sphere about these moves and the allocation of collective means by which to deal with the issues raised. 12. The environmental sector is made complicated by its great variety of issues: a. Disruption of ecosystems include loss of biodiversity, deforestation and other form of erosion, depletion of the ozone layer and various form of population. b. Energy problems include the depletion of natural resources such as fuel wood, various forms of pollution, including managementShow MoreRelatedJustin Salisbury Tries a Little Recognition1176 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Justin Salisbury Tries a Little Recognition – Case Study 2 Justin Salisbury Tries a Little Recognition – Case Study 2 If your company and employees do not provide good customer service you are likely to lose existing business and miss out on new possibilities. It doesn’t take much for a customer to decide that you or your company isn’t worth his or her time, effort, or money. Since customer satisfaction is crucial to building a successful, growingRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesManagement Skill Development? Given that a â€Å"skill development†course requires more time and effort than a course using the traditional lecture/discussion format, we are sometimes asked this question by students, especially those who have relatively little work experience. Reason #1: It focuses attention on what effective managers actually â€Å"do. †In an influential article, Henry Mintzberg (1975) argued that management education had almost nothing to say about what managers actually do from day toRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 PagesEmployee turnover is also extremely low in most areas. Transitions in HR management are also paying off in the Bank of Montreal, based in Montreal, Quebec. Emphasizing human resources has involved 35,000 employees in organizational success. This recognition meant focusing greater attention on the talents of diverse employees working at the bank. Specific efforts were made to expand opportunities for performance targets and measures on such factors as customer service, return on equity, and profitabilityRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesany of the customary measures we deploy to demarcate historical epochs, the twentieth century does not appear to be a very coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Night Creature Hunter’s Moon Chapter 32 Free Essays
â€Å"Fuck me,†I muttered. â€Å"I think that’s what he has in mind.†â€Å"Now what?†I asked, which seemed to be the question of the week. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 32 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Now we keep blasting wolves whenever the opportunity presents itself, search for their lair, keep an eye out for Hector night and day, and dig, dig, dig some more for a way to end this before the moon gets full.†â€Å"Because if we don’t?†â€Å"You get to do the dirty in front of every werewolf in town.†I wanted to say something flippant, but my voice betrayed me. All I could do was move my mouth. No sound came out. Jessie appeared concerned. She moved closer and patted me on the back, hard enough to make me choke, then cough. At least it was something. â€Å"I’m OK,†I managed. â€Å"Will wants to go back to Cora’s. Borrow some of her books. Wanna come?†She was babysitting me. I wasn’t going to let her. â€Å"No. I’ve got things to do.†Jessie frowned. â€Å"But – â€Å" â€Å"If what you say is true, I’m safe until the full moon. If it’s even Hector.†â€Å"We both know it’s Hector, Leigh.†I shifted my shoulders. Pain flashed across my skin. Yeah, we did. â€Å"I need some sleep,†I said. â€Å"Why don’t you come back here with the books. I’ll order pizza. We’ll brainstorm, then go out and kill things. It’ll be a girls’ night out.†She hesitated. â€Å"You promise you’ll stay inside until we get back?†â€Å"Yes, Mother.†Her eyes narrowed, but she got off the couch and moved toward the door. She seemed to have no ill effects from her own shoulder wound. I was glad. Jessie paused with her hand on the doorknob. â€Å"We know what they’re up to, Leigh. That means we’re one step ahead of them. I’ve got a good feeling about this.†â€Å"Well then, everything’s gonna be all right.†Her lips twitched. She almost laughed. â€Å"Keep on being a smart guy. You know how I love that.†The door shut behind her. I looked around the rented room, took in my bag and my laptop. I had no address but .com, no closet but a suitcase. I was suddenly sick of having nowhere to call home. When had that happened? I lay down, tried to sleep. Drifted in and out. But every time I closed my eyes I saw the mine, those human bones. There was something weird about that. They were almost like a warning. I sat bolt upright in my bed. We’d never gone past those bones and suddenly I wanted to. I glanced at the window. Night was falling. I must have drifted further than I’d thought. I’d promised Jessie I wouldn’t go outside, definitely shouldn’t at this time of night. Oh well, I’d never been very good at keeping promises. Remember the one I’d made to Jimmy? I got dressed, grabbed a few guns, some ammo, then walked downstairs. Damien’s cabin was dark. However, the bar was lit up like a major-league baseball field during the seventh-inning stretch. I headed in that direction. Even Jessie couldn’t get mad at me for investigating with Damien at my side. What better backup than a werewolf? Too bad I couldn’t tell her that. Stepping inside the tavern, I frowned. The place was empty, except for the shoes, wallets, purses, keys, and little piles of clothing. My fingers tightened on my rifle. Their lair had been here all the time. Damien had to have known. Why hadn’t he told me? Of course, I hadn’t asked. Who’d have suspected they were changing right underneath my nose? Talk about hiding in plain sight. My plans changed. I’d just sit down and wait for them to come back. I thought of how many I’d kill tonight. Maybe even Hector, though I doubted it. He wouldn’t be dumb enough to show his face here. So why was my scar burning as if it were a fresh, new wound? â€Å"Waitin’ for someone?†I gasped and spun toward the bar. Cowboy stood on top, leering, snarling, or whatever the hell it was he did with his lip. â€Å"Uh, yeah, well, I was looking for Damien.†Cowboy narrowed his eyes. â€Å"He ain’t around.†â€Å"I see that.†â€Å"Yer not gonna ask why everyone’s clothes are all over the floor?†â€Å"Why?†He snorted. â€Å"You know why.†Cowboy jumped off the bar, his boots clicking on the wood floor as he meandered toward me. I kept my hands on my guns, my eyes on his face. I’d crossed him off as a werewolf long ago, but maybe that hadn’t been such a bright idea. I’d figured if he was a shifter he’d have cured whatever ailment had made him a midget in the first place. But maybe he hadn’t. Maybe he liked being small. Maybe it got him ignored. He stopped only a foot away from me. â€Å"I got some-thin’ to show you.†He began to unbutton his shirt. I backed toward the door. â€Å"Uh, no thanks.†He smiled. â€Å"You don’t mind seeing Damien’s chest, but you don’t want to see mine?†â€Å"That about sums it up.†â€Å"Believe me, Leigh, you’re gonna want to see this.†Somehow I doubted that. I reached for the doorknob. My hand touched the brass just as Cowboy’s shirt fell open. The pentagram tattoo on his breastbone gleamed black against his pale, smooth skin. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. I lifted my gaze from his chest to his face. His eyes were weird – water flowing under dark ice. I stood there staring as Cowboy’s black irises turned blue. â€Å"Oh, God,†I whispered. His face was flowing now, the skin rippling like Silly Putty. I could see another face beneath, fighting to get out. Was he getting taller? Broader? When had Cowboy grown a goatee? The tavern spun. Tiny black spots flickered in front of my eyes. I fought the weakness, but it didn’t do any good. â€Å"Querida,†he murmured. â€Å"I’ve missed you.†I passed out cold at the toe of itty-bitty boots, which had suddenly burst open at the seams. How to cite Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 32, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Leases and Lease Structure Issues free essay sample
MEMO Date: July 18, 2011 3 Subject: Leases and Lease Structure Issues 4 To: Regional Trucking Company 5 From: Bob Stanton This memo will cover the current practice and thought related to direct financing, sales type, and operating leases. I understad that Regional Trucking Company have limited time to cover all aspects of these areas. Disclosure Requirements for Capital Leases SFAS No. 13 also requires the disclosure of additional information for capital leases. The following information must be disclosed in the lessee’s financial statements or in the accompanying footnotes: 1. The gross amount of assets recorded under capital leases as of the date of each balance sheet presented by major classes according to nature or function 2. Future minimum lease payments as of the date of the latest balance sheet presented, in the aggregate and for each of the five succeeding fiscal years 3. The total minimum sublease rentals to be received in the future under noncancelable subleases as of the date of the latest balance sheet presented 4. Total contingent rentals (rentals on which the amounts are dependent on some factor other than the passage of time) actually incurred for each period for which an income statement is presented. The lessor should report a lease as a sales-type lease when at least one of the capital lease criteria is met, both lessor certainty criteria are met, and there is a manufacturer’s or dealer’s profit (or loss). Major steps are involved in accounting for a sales-type lease by a lessor. The amount to be recorded as gross investment is the total amount of the minimum lease payments over the life of the lease, plus any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the benefit of the lessor. Once the gross investment has been determined, it is to be discounted to its present value using an interest rate that causes the aggregate present value at the beginning of the lease term to be equal to the fair value of the leased property. The rate thus determined is referred to as the interest rate implicit in the lease Applying the interest method results in a constant rate of return on the net investment in the lease. The difference between the gross investment and the unearned interest income is the amount of net investment, which is equal to the present value of the gross investment. The net investment is classified as a current or noncurrent asset on the lessor’s balance sheet in the same manner as all other assets. Income from sales-type leases is thus reflected by two amounts. 1. The gross profit (or loss) on the sale in the year of the lease agreement 2. Interest on the remaining net investment over the life of the lease agreement. When at least one of the capital lease criteria and both lessor certainty criteria are met, but the lessor has no manufacturer’s or dealer’s profit (or loss), lessors account for the lease as a direct financing lease. As with a sales-type lease, each payment received for a direct financing lease must be allocated between interest revenue and recovery of the net investment. Because the net receivable is essentially an installment loan, in the early periods of the lease a significant portion of the payment is recorded as interest; but each succeeding payment will result in a decreasing amount of interest revenue and an increasing amount of investment recovery because the amount of the net investment is decreasing. Gross investment is determined in the same way as in sales-type leases, but unearned income is computed as the difference between gross investment and the cost of the leased property. The difference between gross investment and unearned income is net investment, which is the same as in the sales-type lease. Initial direct costs in financing leases are treated as an adjustment to the investment in the leased asset. In each accounting period over the life of the lease, the unearned interest income minus the indirect cost is amortized by the effective interest method. Because the net investment is increased by an amount equal to the initial direct costs, a new effective interest rate must be determined in order to apply the interest method to he declining net investment balance. Lessees classify all leases that do not meet any of the four capital lease criteria as operating leases. The following disclosures are required for operating leases by lessees: 1. For operating leases having initial or remaining noncancelable lease terms in excess of one year: a. Future minimum rental payments required as of the date of the latest balance sheet presented in the aggregate and for each of the five succeeding fiscal years b. The total of minimum rentals to be received in the future under noncancelable subleases as of the date of the latest balance sheet presented 2. For all operating leases, rental expense for each period for which an income statement is presented, with separate amounts for minimum rentals, contingent rentals, and sublease rentals 3. A general description of the lessee’s leasing arrangements including, but not limited to, the following: a. The basis on which contingent rental payments are determined b. The existence and terms of renewals or purchase options and escalation clauses c. Restrictions imposed by lease agreements, such as those concerning dividends, additional debt, and further leasing Those leases that do not meet the criteria for classification as sales-type or direct financing leases are accounted for as operating leases by the lessor. As a result, the lessor’s cost of the leased property is reported with or near other property, plant, and equipment on the lessor’s balance sheet and is depreciated following the lessor’s normal depreciation policy. Rental payments are recognized as revenue when they become receivable unless the payments are not made on a straight-line basis. In that case, as with the lessee, the recognition of revenue is to be on a straight-line basis. Initial direct costs associated with the lease are to be deferred and allocated over the lease term in the same manner as rental revenue (usually on a straight-line basis). However, if these costs are not material, they may be charged to expense as incurred. The best course of action is to first choose a capital lease. It would probably be best if your company would buy the trucks at a later date. Since, the company is looking to lease, and probably at some point buy more trucks at some time in the future, the company should lease with an option to buy. The biggest worry that the company has is time. This being said, the best lease type to present is the sales-type lease.
Friday, November 29, 2019
So Blinded By Thine Love free essay sample
A paper which analyzes the theme of destructive love in F. Scott Fitzgeralds novel The Great Gatsby. The paper describes the destructive love theme in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby. It shows how the love mirage is perfectly exemplified in the story of Gatsby and Daisy: Love lost, love missed, love found, love dismissed. The paper shows how love gives the character Gatsby the ambition to succeed in life, and eventually how it destroys him and kills him. No force or emotion is more powerful than idealized love. Only love can blind a man until he has no conscious level of life, logic, or sorrow. Love is an irresistible, mindless emotion that warms the heart into a pulp of sentiment. This force precipitates an everlasting high that erases time, making its victim feel bubbly and nauseous with gaiety, feeding off of a precious memory. Submerged in fascination, one can bask in admiration of another for years at a time, laughing at those he has wasted. We will write a custom essay sample on So Blinded By Thine Love or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Any man would comfortably invest all his money in sweet nothings, merely for the sake of impressing his beloved. Such an innocent, cute candor, love can be. How delectable it must feel to be considered a ladys knight in shining armor! Do it all, till she cry My brave warrior, I must have you! And you will indeed get the girl and carry her away, as Gatsby did in Fitzgeralds novel. She will be instantly yours or until she discovers your double-edged sword.
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom Gout essay
buy custom Gout essay Gout is an inflammatory arthritis disease that is caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in body tissues. This leads to a rapid onset of painful, red, hot swollen joints, especially in the big toe of the foot. This condition usually occurs after many years of sustained hyperuricemia. It is characterized by an accumulation of uric acid in the body as well as recurring attacks of joint inflammations or arthritis. Chronic gout not only leads to arthritis, but also leads to decreased kidney functions, formation of hard lumps of uric acid in and around the joints, and kidney stones. It is claimed that sufferers of this condition either have a problem with releasing uric acids from their body or produce too much of it. Gout may be associated with other medical conditions or may occur alone. The prevalence rate of gout has experienced an immense growth in the past ten years. A recent report by the national Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that over 8.3 million Americans suffer from this condition. Prevalence of hyperuricemia or increased uric acid levels also increased, affecting over 43.3 million adult Americans (Wallace 89). Moreover, this disease commonly affects men, and can manifest itself anytime from 30 years. In fact, men are nine times more likely to develop this condition than women. Although women also suffer from this disease, it has been established that women are a slightly lower risk. The main risk factors that have been associated with the development of this condition are aging and obesity. It is asserted that increased frequencies in hypertension and obesity may be linked with this surge. Symptoms of Gout The symptoms of this condition are almost unmistakable. Usually, an individual will go to bed felling fine, but be awakened by an intense pain in the big toe. The reason for the onset of this condition at night is due to the low body temperatures. Although the swelling of the joints of the big toe account for almost half of the reported cases, other joints, such as the fingers, heels, wrists, and knees, may also be affected. Initially, one feels like a bucket of ice-cold water has been poured on the joint, but shortly afterwards, there is an excruciating sensation of tearing and stretching, along with tightness and pressure (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 100). The affected area feels tender, hot, and turns dusty red. The affected spot also becomes extremely sensitive to touch. After some time, the swelling spreads over the entire foot, thus making itimpossible to wear a shoe. Other symptoms that may be felt along with the swollen joint include high fever and fatigue. The symptoms of chronic gout include importunate painful joints with huge deposits in the cartilage, membranes between tendons, bones, and soft tissues. Additionally, the skin over the affected area develops sore spots and releases some white pus. Eventually, the joints become stiff, therefore limiting the motion of the affected joint. Diagnosis of Gout The diagnosis of this condition is based on the symptoms, x-rays and blood teats. High levels of uric acids and the presence of urate crystals in joint fluids indicate the presence of the condition. Moreover, x-rays usually show some damages to the bones and cartilages in chronic gout. An attack usually subdues on its own within three to ten days, but immediate treatment can end it faster. After an acute gouty arthritis or acute gout, almost half of the victims will experience another attack within a year. It is imperative to understand such attacks tend to last longer, strike more often and affect more joints (Wallace 102). Causes of Gout The chief cause of gout is hyperuricemia or too much uric acid crystals that build up in body tissues. Uric acids are formed in the body when protein and other cells have been broken down and released into the bloodstream. This uric acid is absorbed by the blood and ends up being flushed out of the body by the kidney. When there is excess uric acid in the blood, or when the kidney fails to flush out the uric acid from the body quickly enough, then gout develops. The consumption of foods rich in chemicals called purines such as red meats, oily fish, and internal organs increase the risk for gout. Additionally, gout is cause by excessive and/or frequent consumption of beverages such as coffee, tea, cocoa and alcohol because these drinks make the body to loose extra water. It has been established that certain medications such as acetylsalicylic and diuretics can obstruct the kidney from clearing out uric acid (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 56). Continuous use of such medication can cause gut. Other causes of gout include sudden weight loss gain or loss, changes in diet, dehydration, IV contrast dyes, and chemotherapy. Treating Gout Gout patients should not despair because there are several treatment ooptions for this condition. It has been established that medication, lifestyle measures and vitamin C supplements can help prevent gout attacks. The general measures or first-aid that a person should follow to help reduce the swelling is to raise the affected limb by reclining on a sofa and placing the leg on a cushion. Wrap an ice pack in a towel and hold it on the inflamed joint to ease the pain. Apply the ice pack for about 20 minutes, and continue this as often as required. Note that the temperature of the affected joint must return to normal before applying again. It is recommended that the sufferer should take some anti-inflammatory painkillers because they ease most attacks within twelve to twenty four hours. There are several brands and types of anti-inflammatory painkillers such as naproxen, indometacin, and declofenac (Konshin 56). An alternative medication that eases gout attack is Colchicines, which is used by individuals that might have side-effects or complications with anti-inflammatory painkillers. Injections and steroids can also ease the inflammation and pain that is caused by gout attacks. Change in lifestyle can help prevent this condition. For example, overweight people should try to lose some weight and vice versa. This helps the individual to reduce the uric acid level. However, victims should not starve or use diets that might increase their urate levels. Heavy drinkers should cut down the amount of alcohol they consume by keeping to the recommended of alcohol. Additionally, drinkers should avoid binge drinking. Drinking of substances with a lot of sugar, especially drinks that contain fructose should be avoided. When taking any medication, it is advisable to check whether they contain substances or chemicals that cause gout. Drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration unless there is a medical condition that requires otherwise. Since prevention is better than cure, individuals should have their blood pressure checked at least once every year. It has also been revealed that vitamin C intake reduces the risks of contacting or developing gout. Conclusion The discourse above has revealed that gout can attack anyone therefore prevention is a vital part of preventing it. It is crucial to control blood pressure, diet, and weight to stay away from gout attacks. Nonetheless, sufferers should not despair because there are several treatment options available. When diagnosed and treated early, it is possible to prevent this condition thus prevent joint damages and live a normal and fulfilling life. Buy custom Gout essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Substance use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Substance use - Essay Example Research confirms that during the 8-year study period, teens that call for help from poison control rose by a shocking 76%. Although amphetamines are taken for general cures such as headache and body pain, they can be abused easily. Since amphetamines act as stimulants and can be addictive. The modifications that occur in the brain chemistry by abusing this drug can lead not only to addiction but the need to have continual use of this drug. This cause and effect relationship can no doubt create an amphetamine addiction. An individual with this addiction will engage in a criminal activity by either hiding their drug use or stealing it to fulfill their addiction. This is clearly detrimental to society as it leads to an economic burden of society paying additional taxes. Amphetamines are usually listed in schedule II of controlled substances due to various reasons. One of the key reasons is the fact that amphetamines have a medium severity for high capacity for abuse but can be utilized for medical use. Other drugs that are also classified in schedule II consist of: marijuana, heroin, and AMT. Consequently, the schedule I list differs from schedule II since drugs such as heroin; LSD and marijuana are highly abusive and cannot be used for medical purposes.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Media Interview Plan Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media Interview Plan Development - Essay Example We acknowledge our mistake and necessary evaluation, adjustments and upgrades are now implemented while we are also constantly re-evaluating our plan so that we will be more responsive to any development there that similar incident can be mitigated if not totally prevented in the future. Let me assure you that the Army is doing everything within its capability and resources to ensure that similar result will not happen again. It was a loss of men and equipment that we do not take lightly. Our new plan and upgrade might not have seen action yet but let me assure you that such plan and upgrades were designed to ensure that similar incident will not happen again. There may be tactical miscalculation in our part that resulted in the unfortunate incident of wiping the original planning cell but the deployment of the troops there is strategically necessary. But let me tell you that we are not taking the incident lightly. We are currently re-evaluating the strategy employed there, including the rules of engagement to help mitigate and even prevent the same situation from happening again. As I have already mentioned evaluation of the strategy is now currently under way. Let me assure you that we are doing an overhaul of our plan with our panel of experts taking time to look into factors that we might not have considered. As we speak now also, we have already implemented an enhanced training among our personnel to make them more adoptable. We also did capability enhancing measure that includes upgrading of military hardwares. The new plan, training and upgrade have not yet see any action so we still cannot objectively asses its efficacy. But let me tell you that it is way better than the previous plan and necessary precautions and review has been done to mitigate if not prevent similar incidence from ever happening again. That is a possibility but we can also look at it this way, in the entire history of US
Monday, November 18, 2019
Indirect Theories and Moral Equality Theories on Kindness to Non-Human Essay
Indirect Theories and Moral Equality Theories on Kindness to Non-Human Animals - Essay Example This means that despite them being non-human animals that â€Å"are not rational, self-conscious beings capable of grasping the moral law†( 63 ), they still have intrinsic moral worth. According to Kant, animals are not included in the human territory because only humans are capable of creating and understanding moral laws. This also means that while a human, being an â€Å"end in itself†( 64 ) are not indebted to animals, kindness towards animals â€Å"will help develop good character in us and help us treat our fellow human beings with greater consideration†( 63 ). Aside from making humans less likely to be cruel to other humans, kindness to animals makes human beings fulfill the indirect duties to humanity, which is a categorical imperative. Kant provides good examples of this claim. A dog, for example, may not have rights like humans do, but letting the dog suffer is a reflection of lack of humanity. Kind treatment of the dog, especially one that has been faithful over time, in not necessarily a human being’s duty towards the animal, but a human being’s duty of â€Å"humanity which it is his duty to show towards mankind†( 64 ). Cruelty to animals, according to Kant, reflects in humans an immoral tendency that might be inflicted to fellow humans. However, despite the need to be kind to animals, they should not be treated as ends in themselves. Human beings â€Å"serve(s) the will as the objective ground for its self-determination†( 63 ), yet this is not the same with non-human animals. Animals are a means to an end, and that end is man. This means that while man does not have the right to use other people in ways to serve another human’s end, the case is not the same with animals. Still, one must consider that kindness towards animals is an imperative that will ultimately serve the end purpose that is humanity. Human beings require respect because they are sovereign and have freedom. Such autonomy is important and a creature can only have it by having free will. Since animals do not have the capacity for reason and are not guided by consciousness, they do not really have free will, and are thus not autonomous. Kant has a strong point when he says that one can ask, â€Å"Why do animals exist?†( 64 ). However, the question â€Å"Why does man exist?†is meaningless ( 64 ). It seems the argument is that animals exist for a specific purpose, and one of those purposes is to serve the goals of man. Kant’s arguments make strong points. However, some amendments may be done according to some principles of consideration. While animals do not have the capacity for reason, are not guided by consciousness, do not really have free will, and are not autonomous, humans should act with â€Å"consideration in satisfying (their) needs and interests†( 76 ). Singer quotes Bentham: â€Å"The day may come when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights wh ich never could have been withholden from them but by the hand of tyranny†( 76 ). Does this mean that consideration of one’s needs and interests apply to animals as well, and that giving animals rights is utterly necessary to reach this goal? To answer this requires not only a slight reconstruction of Kant’s views, but of Singer’s as well. What is required here is to determine if animals have morally significant needs and interests. The emphasis on moral significance means that withholding such could inflict unnecessary harm and suffering to non-human animals. Do animals have welfare or well-being that could benefit or be harmed by the non-existence of animal rights? It could be possible. However, saying this about a creature lacking logic, consciousness, and free will is tantamount to saying the same regarding a, say, car. Do animals have needs and interes
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Practice Based Self Reflection
Practice Based Self Reflection During placement, I worked for a charitable, voluntary organisation that supports Asylum Seekers who were destitute. For the purpose of this essay, I will utilise a pseudonym for the client, which will be Sam, to ensure that her confidentiality is maintained. Sam has authorised consent and confirmed that I may use her experience as material for this essay. I have chosen to examine this intervention as it is based upon this service users presenting issues upon point of contact. Firstly, I will explain the background of Sams situation, to give you an idea of her story, and outline the agency involvement giving a brief description of the context and setting for their work, which will include relevant legislation and policies. Secondly, I shall discuss a substantial piece of work where I have met Sam on a number of occasions whilst working at the agency and demonstrate my theoretical understanding of critical reflection that took place during this intervention. Finally, I will discuss ho w my own values informed the work I undertook with Sam and will demonstrate critical reflection and the skills applied during this intervention and what I had learnt through this process. Furthermore, I will discuss how this had impacted on my own identity in practice and the effectiveness and the outcomes from this intervention. Sam is a 31-year-old woman who entered the United Kingdom (UK) on a work-visa in May 2009 from South Africa. She is of a South-African ethnicity and has faith in Christianity. She is an intelligent, resourceful woman who has more of an advantage in terms of communicating articulately in English over some of the other clients I have met; who do not acquire the basic English language. This made communication effective and according to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW, 2000) it has been stated that Cultural competence is a set of congruent behaviours, attitudes and polices that come together in a system or agency or among professionals and enable the system, agency or processionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations (NASW, 2000). Sam entered the UK with leave to remain until May 2010 on her work-visa, with no recourse to public funds, which means that people who are under this bracket are not entitled to receive help from the Government. Furthermore, at point of contact Sam was pregnant and was in receipt of Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). SMP is a contributory benefit based upon National Insurance contributions that Sam had prior paid whilst engaged in full-time remunerative employment. As such, it is not classified as a public fund as Sam was therefore at liberty to claim and receive this benefit irrespective of not being a UK citizen. According to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP,2009) SMP is paid for a maximum period of 39 weeks, and unfortunately remaining Social Security benefits and associated support such as Housing and Council tax benefit were not available to her as they are classed as public funds. I was concerned from a safeguarding perspective as to Sams welfare, especially keeping mindful that she was pregnant and that the weekly rate of SMP,  £123.06, would be insufficient for her to meet priority needs such as rent, Council Tax and subsistence/living costs (DWP, 2009). The initial referral came from a caseworker who works for the agency and at the Childrens Centre. The agencies work in partnership. He approached me and raised concerns with safeguarding issues as mentioned above. However, a referral had to be made before the agency would accept Sam as destitute. It was essential that the referral was made as the agencies policies stated that they could only accommodate 4 people at one given time in the houses they owned across the City. The agency I worked for worked across two settings and worked in partnership in the City. It provides short-term respite accommodation for homeless and destitute women and men. Sams circumstances were unique as unlike other residents, she did have a source of financial income, whereas many women did not have a fixed income and had to rely on charitable donations. However, in recognition of the fact that Sam was imminent to give birth and was homeless, the agency agreed to admit her in the short-term in the first inst ance, thus offering her security, shelter, food, water and safety temporarily. In the longer term, she was afforded a short-term licence agreement that ran until the 2nd December 2009. The agency was of the view that Sam would have to explore other avenues of support and accommodation. I advocated this procedure to Sam in a house meeting and found that she had yet to find alternative accommodation. I understood she was pregnant and that she was not sure where to start looking or what resources were available. I went back to the office and explained this to the agency. I researched and made phone calls on how I could advocate further help for Sam and made the support worker and colleagues aware that she was concerned about her well-being and from this knowledge, a panel meeting was arranged and the licence agreement was later extended until the 12th January 2010 due to the birth of Sams daughter. According to Cohen (2004) he states, All persons have a right to well-being, to fulfilment and to as much control over their own lives as is consistent with the rights of others which means that as every human being has fundamental values that they should be treated with respect and as individuals regardless of their circumstances. At point of contact, Sam was destitute, as she had separated from her boyfriend, who resides in Ireland. Sam had been residing as hidden homeless which means that there is no accommodation that she is entitled to reside in or it is not reasonable for her to continue residing in that accommodation (www.crisis.org.uk, 2008). She was living in the City on a friends couch, but had been asked to leave due to objections with the friends landlord and overcrowding. It became apparent that Sam would require her own accommodation to return to following discharge from hospital once her baby had been born, and tenable longer-term accommodation thereafter. I met with S am and built up a good working with her following the referral to the agency. I felt this because Sam would contact me at the office if she had any queries about the house and would ask for me if she wanted help or advice. We negotiated convenient times to attend house meetings and I felt she trusted me as she opened up about her personal experiences such as her experience with her ex-partner. According to Howe (2008) relationship based practice is when relationship-gifted workers are interpersonally skilled and they make the most effective and human practitioners, whether the basis of their practice is behavioural, cognitive, task orientated, psychodynamic or person-centred. Moreover, Trevithick (2003) argues relationship-based practice is at the heart of social work. I felt working with Sam in a crisis intervention enabled me to engage with her as I aimed to reduce her stress by communicating effectively the next steps and open and honest with how long she would be able to reside at the accommodation the agency provided her with. I was genuine with her in terms of stating what the agency could provide her with and what resources were available. For example, Sam needed a pram, so we organised one for her and I reminded the support worker to drop this item off at the house as she had access to a vehicle. I also made her aware of the challenges she may face by living indepe ndently once the Social Services department provide her with an assessment and if accepted, I discussed the benefits that may be available to her, so she was aware of the process. This demonstrated significant levels of emotional intelligence, which means, having self-awareness, emotional resilience, motivation of self and to instil in others. It also recognises the skill to have empathy and sensitivity, to be conscientious and intuitive regarding decision-making and also to know how influences and building up rapport with service users are important (Goleman, 1996,p.2). As cited in the British Journal of Social Work, it also underpins requirements for practitioners to develop and maintain effective working relationships, to be able to reflect on my own background experiences and practice that may have an impact on the relationship (Morrison, 2007, p.2). For example, recognising to self-disclose about my own independency only when it was necessary as I did not want to project or share my own values unnecessary as Sams circumstances were unique to her and I understood that I could empathise with her however, only she would know how she feels in this situation. We discussed her feelings and she stated she was concerned about herself and her daughter, so I reassured her by getting in touch with the caseworker who had made the appointment with the social services for an assessment and to re-confirm when this would be conducted in order to see if she is eligible for the resources available. I explained the procedures to Sam, and she understood. She expres sed her gratitude to myself and the agency. As I met Sam on several occasions at the agency and on the day that she was accommodated into the house. I began to analyse her situation in greater detail because we needed to get her involved in the decision-making process. This means that service users are informed and involved in the decision that are made in partnership (OSullivan, 2005,p 135-136) and the effective way to do this, was to hold house meetings and discuss her accommodation situation in a comfortable setting. Saleebey, (2006,p.108) informed my practice in this intervention as he supports an empowering approach to social work practice as it focuses on clients strengths and potential rather than on the disadvantages and the misfortunes of their circumstances. He also recognises that the social worker is viewed as the expert and that service users are viewed as the victim of their own disadvantage. However, as his strengths perspective challenges the traditional anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice it ident ifies aspects of structural inequalities as the significant element of clients situations. Furthermore, Saleeby (2006, p.108) states the strengths perspective challenges clients to acknowledge that the social worker will represent them in the assessment and the intervention process as the social worker is viewed as the expert, however it also attempts to work in partnership with service users to support and gain services to meet their identified needs. The strengths perspective also focuses on the resilience of service users and aims to provide strategies to empower and promote positive outcomes for them. Furthermore, Beresford (2000, p.108) argues this perspective as viewing the service user in a one-dimensional aspect, which reduces their identity to essential categories such as elderly, disabled or black service users, thus resulting in the support of universal services to meet their needs. He also argues that service users and oppressed groups should be involved in the design and delivery of their services to meet their identified needs and that service users voices sh ould be used in structure of theory and practice. I felt that the strengths perspective engages with Sams circumstances as the agency and I were the expert in providing the assessments and advice for Sam and worked in partnership with her to find her a possible outcome because the caseworker had contacted the Social Services and had an assessment booked in for her. He informed me about this and I contacted Sam and made her aware of the appointment and the assessment procedures. Criticise the above and get evidence to state that another theorist states the su is the expert. Concerning critical reflection, it is an integral part of social work as it is a route to provide efficient performance and enhances social work expertise (Adams, et al,. 2002, p. 1). They also critique that it enables social workers to question the knowledge and involvement with clients. During this intervention with Sam there were many occasions that professionals and I had to critically analyse Sams circumstances in order to develop a plan of action that would meet her identified needs such as creating opportunities for her to take herself and her baby to groups so she could interact with other mothers at the Children Centre. Put in values/reflect on self/what I learnt from this process/impact on own identity Furthermore, I had arranged appointments for her to seek assistance with her receiving help and advice in relation to her visa options with a caseworker who worked for the partnership agency. The partner agency dealt with all persons from abroad and people who required legal advice regarding their visas. The outcome was that she should return South Africa and then re-apply on another work-visa and or commence work again in the UK and then apply for the visa to be extended. Sam did not want to take up any of these options, as she did not have the money to leave her new born in a child care facility. She also stated she did not want to return to South Africa because her parents were not aware that she had a baby and because she is of a strict religious background. She stated that her parents were likely to arrange her marriage to an old man that she had said no to on several occasions when she was living in South Africa. It seemed her parents had power and control over her life. Put in power and anti-oppressive practice theories hereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Values, non-judgemental, empathic I discussed and arranging convenient house meetings to discuss her options in taking the next step. Therefore, I asked her to contact Right Move estate agents and private property owners to see if she can find herself long-term accommodation for her and her daughter. Adams et al (2002, p.1) states critical reflection can sometimes be transformed in our own understanding, thus changing the part of the situation by enabling the client and the professional to reflect on what has occurred. For instance regarding Sam, she did not want to call and arrange appointments because she stated when she initially looked for a room in a house share, that the landlord of the property stated that the tenants already residing in the house did not want a mother with a baby living at the property. Therefore, this disempowered her in seeking other properties. At the house meeting, after Sam and I had further discussions we looked online for flats and we found several studio flats she could rent. She did not want to make the phone calls, so in order to empower and enable her in doing this herself for today and future reference. I made the first phone call and then handed her the telephone as she did not have credits on her phone and encouraged her to query about the properties in the same manner I had done. She queried the availability of these properties, however after finding that the landlord wanted a deposit, one as to Sam could not afford, the only solution was to seek refuge from the Neighbourhood Office and present herself homeless. She would then be put up in a shelter. I learnt that this process was going to be challenging and more reflection on this matter would be necessary. What is more, critical reflection can be deconstructed and reconstructed to give us access in advancing our practice. Therefore, this continuous process provides good practice and development. Yip (2005) encourages social work students to undergo self-reflection as it is a process for self-observation, self-evaluation, self-dialogue and self-analysis. Furthermore, he states, under the appropriate conditions social workers can reflect constructively which, results in enhancement. Whereas, he also critics on the basis that if social workers were under inappropriate conditions such as lack of supervisory sessions, hostile environments, then social workers would not be able to reflect constructively and this can create problems for the professional and personal development of the social worker. However, Schon, (1983) describes reflective practice as a non technical, non rational process which means that he is keen to make sense of the relationship between professional knowledge and practice by knowing-in-action. This is when thinking is understood in what we do, also he states reflective in action is where thinking is conscious but does not interrupt or actions and reflection on action is where thinking takes place after the event in order to understand our actions, predominantly in why we acted and what we learnt from this action. Eraut (1995) critiques Schons theory as he states that a practitioner cannot reflect in action as you leave the space, if not physically, certainly cognitively Furthermore, Fook and Gardener (2007,p364) argue that critical reflection is the reflective practice which focuses on the power dimensions of assumptive thinking and therefore how practice might change social situations. Although, Ixer (1999, p.513) argues this concept of critical reflecti on and argues whether social work programmes should be assessing reflection at all. Overall, reflecting on this intervention allowed me to assess and analyse Sams situation thoroughly because of her uniqueness to the agency as she had no recourse to public funds, which made it challenging in assisting her find her own solution. However, communicating effectively and working in partnership with her and the agency employees empowered Sam in coming up with a resolution for her to follow through. As social work, values have unique contributions to social work practice and assessing critically ensures that social work perspective and social work values contribute fully to the provisions of care. Furthermore, the ability of social work will depend on more than knowledge and skills; it is also about recognising practice that is mutually required in negotiating work with various organisations and professionals. Moreover, the ability to effectively communicate and contribute will also depend on the self-esteem and the status of the social worker. In addition to this, being able to effectively research and apply effective education will be found more reliably in the ability to improve the quality of the service users and carers experience of assessment and its outcomes. This is because professional competence in assessment requires critical analysis of self in practice and these development of skills and knowledge base are required to become an emotionally capable, objective practitioner.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Analysis of the Television Show, Girlfriends Essay -- Girlfriends Medi
Analysis of the Television Show, Girlfriends The T.V show " Girlfriends" is very eye catching for young women between the ages of 16-35. It deals with girl related issues, for example: what am i going to wear on my first date, or do i look fat? These are some of the topics friends talk about. The show is based on four African American women who have been friends since early childhood, it takes place now in the present. The girls are in there mid-20's-early 30's. The characters names are Jone, Tony, Mya, and Lin. Some of the topics which they talk about include marrige, finnancial problems, legal issues, children, and fashion. Jone is a highly known attourney, Mya is Jone's secretary, Tony is a real estate agent, and Lin is a free soul. In the show Tony and Jone are having relationship problems, and Mya is envious of the new secretary that Jone has because she misses the relationship that her and Jone use to have between each other. Mya also loves the gossip in which her and Jone used to share, they share it now and then but not as frequent as they used to. Tony and her husband are having finnancial problems because her husband has gotten into a huge debt due to the fact that she is a very high matenance type of woman. Her wedding ring alone cost fifty thousand dollars, she believes that if he is poor then they cannot be together because she cannot live a poor life. After she finds out that they are very deep in debt she wants to file for a divorse. He makes her re...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ocean Carriers Case Study Essay
The fragmented shipping industry is one of the most essential industries for continuous globalization and growth; industry prospects are surprisingly stable in contrast to the normal logistics businesses that are highly cyclical. The factors that drive average daily hire rates are the age of vessels, market condition, the supply and demand and the size of the ships. Daily hire rates are found by the interaction of the supply and demand of vessels. The supply is influence by market demand for shipping capacity, the efficiency and size of vessels and the rate of scrapping. The demand is influenced by the situation of the world economy, technological changes and trade patterns. There is a strong positive relationship between spot/time charter hire rates and demand for iron ore vessel shipments (exhibition 5). This is due to the fact that rates are set by current market conditions and expectations that also influences investment decisions in new vessels. Spot hire rates are expected to decrease next year because there is a big number of vessels order for next year, according to exhibit 3. Compared to exhibit 2, it’s a big proportion. So the supply will be large, leading the rates to decrease. In the next few years, there will be a large supply of new capsize vessels. And also, there will be some vessels that are over 24 years and will be scrapped. But the old vessels just total a small portion. So the influence that brought by the old vessels’ scrap is minor. Another point is, if Australia and India ore export is going well in the next few years, it would be very good for this industry and make the hire rates decrease. According to calculation, the 15 years’ plan will generate positive NPV as compared to NPV of 25 years plan. The forecast is highly optimistic about the industry’s long-term prospects with continuous growth. Real economic growth will give rise to higher demand for the commodities transported and spot rates will alienate with the ones from 2000. In fact, in 2002 the iron industry will recover, especially because of an increase in the trading volumes, thanks to the growth of the Indian and Australian market, also influenced by the efficiency gains due to gradual technological improvements. The choice of making 3 installment payments provides the company with a large non-recurring capital outflow in 2 short years that will cause grave liquidity constraints, investing $500,000 in net working capital compensates for this. However, Ocean Carriers should try to increase the payments period in order to be able to keep working capital at higher levels. Reevaluating the capital structure is strongly recommended since lower costs would decrease the discount rate and increase the NPV. The corporate strategy obviously has to be reevaluated concerning when to decommission the vessel since this makes the project not financially supported. The higher costs of operating an older vessel is obviously lower that the gains of doing so. There need to be more data to support that the firm is able to lock higher prices which would enable them to receive higher cash flows and with greater certainty. Extending the years of service for the vessels from 15 to at least a span where NPV is positive is crucial for future projects to be even considered.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Week 1 Discussion 1 Essays
Week 1 Discussion 1 Essays Week 1 Discussion 1 Essay Week 1 Discussion 1 Essay Essay Topic: Discussion From the e-Activity, evaluate at least two companies’ financial statements that have received a negative rating from one of the financial rating agencies. Determine which financial ratios most likely impacted the rating decision. Compare and contrast at least two financial ratios that support the rating agencys claims. Speculate on how the ratios are likely to change considering the economic environment in which it operates. Support your position. The two companies that I choose for this discussion are the American Express, Inc. and the General Electric Company.Both of them received negative rating from the Thomson Reuters Stockreport + and both of them is under the -2 category. As I research on the ratios that these rating companies might use, I discover that they love to use the leverage ratios as an indicator. Take American Express and the General Electric as an example. Both of them carry more than 400% Debt to Common Equity while the Long Term Debt Percent to Common Equity are both more than 250% which consider very high in comparing to those obtain positive rating like Boeing, whose total Debt percentage to Common Equity is only 201. 5%! Other than these leverage ratios, the assets per employee ratio seem to be another key factor to determine the ranking. Company has positive rating like Boeing has assets per employee ratio at $397,262. 38 per employee while both GE and American Express have over 2 million per employee! If a company’s debt to equity ratio is more than 400%, it means that the company relies heavily on debt than equity. It is true that interest expense is tax deductible and which will help to improve the net income as a result of this benefit.However, this ratio will tell the investor that the company might get into cash problem if the growth in sales is slow plus the collection rate is low. In addition, when the assets to employee ratio is over million, it tells the investor that the company is ineffic ient in generate profit. Any changes in the economy, the company is likely to encounter a lot of problems. Change in economic environment would hardly help the American Express as they are well known for high service charge to both merchants and consumers.It would be difficult for them to improve the ratio unless they stream down and change their policy on charging. As for the General Electric, they have to wait till the economy bounces back in full swing then, the assets turnover rate will be improved immensely. In addition, with the help of the growth in sales, they will be able to pay-off some debts and thus reduce the debt to equity ratio. Imagine that you are a chief financial officer with $150,000 of idle cash that you must invest to increase earnings for your company.Select at least two companies and the ratios you would use to determine your investment strategy. Based on the companies you choose, speculate on how the ratios are likely to change over the next five years. I wo uld like to make an investment on Apple, Inc. and Boeing Company in a ratio of 6:4. The ratios that I use for the evaluation will be the growth rate in sales, the return on earning assets ratio, cost of goods sold to sales ratio, the debt to common equity ratio, and the dividend payout in the past 5 years. If the economy remains the same, the cost of goods sold to Sales ratio for Apple, Inc. ill drop proportionately as they have the costs under good control while the sales remains growing at 40% rate. In addition, the return on earning assets will grow a little bit due to the increase in sales. Other than that, other ratios will pretty much the same. As for Boeing, unless there is a sudden demand in new jets, the sales will pretty much the same. As they are pretty good at streamlining, I do not expect a dramatic change in its ratios at all. Reference: Financial data retrieved from www. thomsonone. com ;amp; www. scottrade. com.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Israelis and the Palestinians essays
Israelis and the Palestinians essays Israelis and Palestinians: The Middle-East Horror The Israelis and the Palestinians, both in the past and in the present, have caused one another great suffering because their religious beliefs have impelled them to violence over the issue of control of the city of Jerusalem. Both sides believe themselves to be divinely entitled to exclusive control of the city; both sides have lived under the shadow of violence as a result. These religious convictions and intolerance have had tragic consequences. Recently, many horrific acts of violence in the region have been perpetrated as a result of these beliefs, and many people have died in the struggle. Despite many efforts to resolve this conflict, there is presently no clear path to peace in sight. It is tragic that two of the world's great religions, Judaism and Islam, have taken the path of violence over control of this real estate, merely because they consider it to be of religious importance. This conflict has long-standing historical and religious roots. For many centuries, Jerusalem has been of great religious significance to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity (although Christians are not deeply involved in the struggle for control of the city). In biblical the city was controlled by Jews and the Romans. In later years, the Muslims took control of the city, and European Christians went on crusades to try to take control away from them. In the twentieth century, the Jews regained control (Jerusalem: A History of Bloodshed, Peace"). The state of Israel was founded in 1948, and the Israelis gained control of the city after winning the six-day war in 1967. The Israelis currently have control of the city; however they have allowed the Palestinians access and limited rule of some areas ("Jerusalem Bloodshed"). Palestinians want more area and control. The Israelis do not want to give it up. All throughout this history of shifting control and conflict over the city, ma ny p...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages for Taiwan of Closer Essay
Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages for Taiwan of Closer Cross-Strait Economic Relations - Essay Example Even the growth that is boosted by the economic affiliation does not reduce the threats and political confrontation between these two countries. As this relationship between the two politically contravening countries turn to the extent of interdependency upon each other, significant threats are perceived on the part of Taiwan. The country considers the economic interdependency with China as dangerous to its political sovereignty and prosperity because of traditional conflicts. However, it is not easy for the country to revert its trade relations with China due to the support it provides to the economic development of the country. Understandably, this association is not only beneficial for China but also for Taiwan. This paper examines the advantages of this economic relationship in the perspective of both the countries and investigates the threats as perceived by Taiwan concerning the political future of the country. The trade and investment relations between China and Taiwan happen to have been initiated and promoted by a wide variety of economic as well as environmental factors. Roy (2004, p2) suggests that â€Å"the forces propelling cross-Strait economic relations are obvious: close geographic proximity, a common language and culture, and in some cases ancestral ties†. The major factors responsible for rising cross Strait relationship are the strong cultural and social bonds shared by the two countries. People tend to communicate with each other with great ease and geographical location of these countries is also favourable for closer trading activities. These are some environmental factors that could be deemed as the ones driving staunch economic relationship between China and Taiwan. However, this does not tend to be the only reason behind the growing economic relations between the two countries. There happen to be
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Reform Program to Reduce Obesity in the United States Essay
Reform Program to Reduce Obesity in the United States - Essay Example But in the United States, the problem is getting worse. Obesity is not just people going fat – it is a disease that causes maladies like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and strokes. Old and young members of society are susceptible to obesity. Adults suffer economic harm as they become more inactive when their body mass grows. People with a weight control problem have a real and identifiable physiological and medical condition, and obese people have shorter lives than non-obese people. Preventing and addressing obesity has cost billions of dollars for the government, estimated at $110 billion a year, equivalent to 1 percent of the U.S. Gross domestic Product. (Burd-Sharps et al. 2008, p. 64) The Problem Statistics revealed that one American dies every ninety seconds from obesity-related problems (Burd-Shaprs et al. 2008, p. 64). In the late 1990s, 280,000 Americans died of obesity-related problems every year (Allison et al. 1999). The proportion of Americans who are over weight and obese has increased dramatically within the past two decades, and increases in overweight and obesity cuts across all ages, racial and ethnic groups (Bailey, 2006, p. 24). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that for the first time in history, there are more overweight and obese people in the nation than people of normal weight. An estimated 61 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese (Cooke & Wardle 2007, p. 238). Researchers stipulated that if the prevalence of obesity continues to rise especially at younger ages, the negative effect on health and longevity in the coming decades could be much worse. (Bailey 2006) Americans continue their way of life. Modern lifestyles characterized by inactivity are risk factors that will lead to diabetes and high-mortality diseases – insulin resistance, lipid disorders, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Food is cheaper, particularly high-fat foods. Changes in work habits and time pressure s in daily living have led to people gaining more weight. Lifestyles throughout the world have changed. This includes reductions in physical activity, increases in dietary intake, and the aging of the population. There is also the westernization of diet and of other aspects of lifestyles in developing countries. All these contribute to the dramatic increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes (Shaw & Sicree, 2008). Risk factors linked with the modern lifestyle, including inactivity and obesity, are associated with insulin resistance, lipid disorders, hypertension, and vascular disease (Blaum, 2007). Moreover, concern has been growing over the increasing incidence of type 2 diabetes in childhood and among teenagers, attributed to inactivity and increasing obesity levels in childhood. Early appearance of type 2 diabetes appears to be a growing problem, particularly among minority groups in the United States, including Hispanic Americans, African Americans, and Native Americans (Blaum 2007). Survey studies conducted among patients and physicians have demonstrated that physicians are failing to adequately identify the overweight and mildly obese patients, although there is greater recognition for the moderately to severely obese patients, particularly when accompanied by co-morbid conditions (Cooke & Wardle 2007, p. 238). In diabetes, there is energy imbalance – more energy intake with less energy expenditure. Therefore, early assessment of energy imbalance should be taken to
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Endotracheal intubation pros and cons of its use in the emergency Research Paper
Endotracheal intubation pros and cons of its use in the emergency medical services field - Research Paper Example ared towards the pros and cons of the application of endotracheal intubation during the different procedures of emergencies that are usually undertaken when issues of time and saving life is at stake. In the discussion that follows, a deeper understanding on the realities behind the process of applying endotracheal intubation shall be given way. It is through this that the characterization of the said process shall be well opened for criticism with regards the positive effects as well as the negative effects of the medical approach to the patients immediately treated through endotracheal intubation (Sengupta 8). A part of the context of this particular reading shall also present the necessary reasons behind the establishment of such process and how it has been approved for medical application; from this particular discussion, a path towards the revealing on how the entire medical approach is actually creation a major breakthrough as well as a major danger to some patients to whom the process is applied to. Basically, endotracheal intubation is the description as to how the use of a plastic tube is utilized as a means of protection for the trachea and a direct passage for air during a critical medical situations. With the aid of laryngoscope, the tube is passed towards a path that includes the nose, larynx, and the vocal cords. This process then aims to at least give a patient that chance to breathe especially in special cases that they are already unable to release and accept air for body circulation. A bulb is then lighted at the tip of the apparatus to secure the entire set up in place and avoid vomit and blood from getting through the set up. The application of the entire set up may seem to be easy to explain however, it is really hard to apply though. One applying such process needs to have a mastery of its actual practice. Particularly, this is required to assure that the patient undergoing such medical treatment does not undergo any complications along the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sony Corporation Essay Example for Free
Sony Corporation Essay Sony Corporation is engaged in the development, design, manufacture, and sale of electronic equipment and devices, as well as game consoles and software. It is also engaged in the production and distribution of motion picture, home entertainment, television products, and recorded music. Further, Sony is also engaged in the financial services businesses, including insurance operations through their Japanese insurance subsidiaries and banking operations through a Japanese Internet -based banking subsidiary. Sony ‘s primary manufacturing facilities are located in Asia. They have a broad sales network, registered in approximately 200 countries and territories. Primarily, Sony ’s products are marketed in Japan, the United States, and Europe. Sony has a history of more than 60 years. In 1946 in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Masuru Ibaka and Akio Morita founded a company called Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation, also known as Totsuko, with start up capital of 190,000 yen fo r the research and manufacture of telecommunications and measuring equipment. (Sony, 2010) With branches all over the world and with an annual revenue about 68.39 billion US dollars, it can be considered as a huge company. The companys headquarters are situated in Shinagawa, Tokyo. It is one of the leaders in the field of electronic equipment, communication and information technology (IWALOM LIMITED, 2010). After moving their head office and factory to Shinagawa, Tokyo, they successfully produced and launched a power megaphone and completed the first magnetic tape recorder prototype that was produced and launched in early 1950 and called the G-Type. In the early 1950’s Ibaka traveled to the United States and came across Bell Labs’ invention of the transistor. He negotiated with Bell to license the transistor technology to his company intending to apply it to communications, while most American companies were looking for military applications. In 1955 they launched Japan’s first transistor radio, the TR-55. While they were not the first to produce the transistor radio, they were the first to make it commercially successful as the product took off in Canada, Australia, the Netherlands and Germany as well as within Japan and continued to be a good seller till the sixties. In 1957 Totsuko produced the TR-63 model, the smallest transistor radio in commercial production at the time, which was a worldwide success, ultimately cracking open the American market and launching the new industry of consumer electronics. One year later, in January of 1958, they changed the company Description of the elements of macro environment. An organization’s macro environment consists of nonspecific aspects in the organization surrounding that have the potential to affect the organization’s strategies. When compared to a firm’s task environment, the impact of macro environment variables is less direct and the organization has a more limited impact on these elements of the environment. Macro environmental variable include socio-cultural, technological, political – legal, and economic. A firm considers there variable as part of its environment scanning to better understand the threats and opportunities created by the variable and how strategic plans need to be adjusted so the firm can obtain competitive advantage. Socio – Cultural Factors The socio-cultural dimensions of the environment consist of lifestyles, and values that characterize the society in which the firm operates. Socio – cultural components of the environment influence the ability of the firm to obtain resources, make its goods and services, and function within the society. Socio – cultural factors include anything within the context of society that has the potential to affect an organization. Population demographics, rising educational levels, norms and values, and attitude toward social responsibility are examples socioculturalvariables. Technological Factors. Technology is another aspect of the environment a firm should consider in developing strategic plans. Changing technology may affect the demand for a firms products and services, its production processes, and raw materials. Technological changes may create new opportunities for the firm, or threaten the survival of a product, firm, or industry. Technological innovation continues to move at an increasingly rapid rate. Political And Legal Factors. The political-legal dimension of the general environment also affects business activity. The philosophy of the political parties in power influences business practices. The legal.. Environmental factors that influence Sony Corporation Macro environmental factors Political factor Political factors could have a direct impact on the ways Sony operates. Government often makes new decisions involving policy or legislation and it affect daily business.In the directive of businesses, the political factors have a huge influence. An example of political factors that affects Sony which includes government laws is minimum wage law. This would affect Sony as the minimum wage law keeps changing every year. As in the same time product cost also keeps on changing, this will make Sony facing losses. Due to various governmental regulations in the different countries, Sony has to adapt different strategies in the countries it operates. Sony had passed a Global Policy On Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in 1998. It deals with group standard and shows Sony’s cares about the health and safety of its employees. It also requires fullfilment with all the laws regarding ooccupational health and safety. (Sony Corporation, 2009). To manage the chemicals which the use of it is controlled by goverment ennvironmental legislation use at sites, a group-wide common approach is developed by Sony. Sony not only manage the chemicals used but also the amount released into the air, water and soil in order to not affect the environment. Sony sites apply internal standards based on Japans Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) (Sony Corporation, 2009). Among Class 1 substances, Sony used 412 kilograms of mercury as an additive in button batteries and 30 kilograms of lead solder, which is used in certain exceptional cases, including automotive applications.Sony used perfluorooctane sulfonate(PFOS) that is Class 2 substances in semiconductor fabrication in fiscal year 2009, but eliminated this substance in March 2010. Class 3 chemical substances are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and greenhouse gases. The Sony Groups target in terms of the atmospheric release of VOCs is to achieve an absolute reduction of 40% or more from the fiscal year 2000 level by fiscal year 2010. In fiscal year 2009, Sony released approximately 1,190 tons of Class 3 chemical substances, which is 204 tons less than in fiscal year 2008 and 35% less than in fiscal year 2000. The principal factor behind this decline was the implementation of production adjustments in response to the global economic downturn. With new semiconductor fabrication facilities expec ted to come on line, Sony expects emissions of Class 3 substances to increase and will take steps to counteract these increases, including installing gas scrubbing equipment and amending production processes. (Sony Corporation, 2009) This is how Sony Corporation manage all the harmful chemicals used by them. Lastly, political factors could have a direct impact on the ways Sony operates. The impact that could impact Sony Corporation is an international company and in all countries the leadership style is different. Sony utilsed a Global Policy On Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in 1998. It shows Sony’s cares about the health and safety of its employees. Sony not only manage the chemicals used but also the amount released into the air, water and soil in order to not affect the environment.Although Sony use three class of chemical substances which are quite harmful for their products, but Sony have taken a full measures to make sure not harming the environment This shows Sony Corporation cares about the environment and also obey goverment rules that is do not harm the environment. Lastly, Sony Corporation is an international company that does business in the whole world. It is important for Sony to follo w all the rules implied by the goverment. Social factors Demographic and cultural aspects includes in the social factors of the external environment. Sony has also been affected by social issues from time to time. This is mainly because Sony has so widely expanded into different cultures and different markets that it tends to become hard to deal with all the diversity. The social factors which influences Sony varies in each country. These show the customer’s needs and the size of the potential markets in every country. Social factors such as health consciousness of customers and consumer health rates might affect Sony. Usually the older population may not be interested in the latest Sony Products which includes more advance technology despite the better income they may receive, they are more interested in the simplicity of the products they buy.Countries such as third world countries, for example some Asian and African countries may not be able to afford to buy Sony products which are quite expensive products. Instead these consu mers will on the other hand buy a cheaper brand.Home life changes have a big influence on attitudes and expectations of consumer. Nowadays, telephone and catalogue sales are increasingly popular.Lately many youths demand better features such as better access to entertainments in their electronic products. This creates a demand for Sony’s products such as Play Station Portable (PSP) and Sony MP3 Player. Research shows that by 2005 Japans population will be over age of 65. Thus, Sony home-care robots for elders will soon be a social necessity (Kunii, I. M. and Port, O., 2001). Lastly, social factor is one of the factors that affect Sony’s business. The social factors which influences Sony varies in each country. These show the customer’s needs and the size of the potential markets in every country. Social factor involve customer’s income, attitude, behaviour and other factors of a customer. It is important for Sony to fully understand and know well about customer. So that, they can target their specific product to which type of consumer they want to sell. Ecological Environment Climate change is something unpredictable and unchangeable. It might become a threat to Sony corporate activities and also society. Generally, it is also give a chance to Sony an opportunity to become one of the solutions. Sony tackle climate change is an important commitment for them. this is to ensure their business continuity. Sony strongly believes that there is a need for protect the environment. Moreover, responses and eco conscious actions must be taken before it gives impact to Sony Company. For instance, rising sea levels and abnormal weather which cause by climate change could predict the underlying physical risks. Furthermore, the markets might change a flow, as their perceptions change to another purchasing trend. Sony has realized this problem where it could be social and financial ramifications, so to deal with legal and regulatory developments; the Company is evaluating the risks and also be alert to solve this problem anytime. For example, the Company started to colle ct information on laws and regulation in force in different countries to make sure that activities and products are match with the existing requirements. Moreover, climate change might influence Sony existing opportunities. An obvious example is the highly use of products boasting improved energy efficiency ratings to help minimize the factors that spur climate change (Sony, 2011). Sony’s electronics products mainly contain few hundred or thousand parts that made from chemical substances. If these parts are not handed well, it may harm the environment. To prevent such environmental harm, Sony has set up necessary procedures according with the EU’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation’s requirement. So, Sony follows the JIB initiative (Joint Industry Guide) to collect data on certain chemical substances that buy from suppliers. At last, Sony follows the survey response tool by JGPSSI (Japanese Green Procurement Survey Standardization Initiative) for materials declaration that contains information on the parts, purpose of use and so on (Sony, 2011). Sony should obey the rules and laws to continue their business and also to preserve the environment. Additionally, Sony has to think more solution to face the climate change and ways to protect the environment. Environment technology Sony is working hard on their products to reduce the effect towards the environment. It is to decrease the total energy that used and also reduce the resource in their product, such as BRAVIA and VAIO. Moreover, Sony has an effective supply chain management of controlling, reducing, and eliminating the use of chemical substances on their products. For instance, recycled plastic in product and the development of vegetables based product. All these are to preserve the environment being polluted (Sony, 2011). Sony has compliance lab at Stuttgart, Germany which specialize in efficient and accurate of chemical compounds and materials that can match with their electronic products. Among their initiatives, they are using more and more recycled materials, and renewable energy in factories and offices which use around 32 sites in Europe alone itself. However, starting 2010, Sony’s objective is to maintain sustainable consumer electronic brand. Moreover, they are also wish to continue t heir success work in 2009. The main purpose of the eco activity is to show that technology can overcome the climate change and how they can help with the change. So, Sony office, warehouses and manufacturing around Europe have cut down CO2 emissions drastically, but they are still aiming to cut down more 10% emission for UK specific sites. Sony has established green teams in the UK businesses where people coordinate activity and the communication at different sites. This includes cutting general power consumption in facilities and offices, employee travel especially flights. Additionally, some of the effort and new ways can bring former costs down and help reconstruct business models in a different economical ways. Nowadays, people are more concern companies’ environment standpoint. Companies which are environmentally friendly, practices, products, and services are being seen by the buyers and also stakeholders (GreenPacks.org, 2011). Sony Europe is applying their eco thinking so that they can maximize the use of the renewable energy. Sony uses renewable energy is to reduce carbon dioxide emission. In year 2008, a record shown that a reduction of 55,216 tons of CO2 emissions in Europe, itself (92,000 tons globally). Sony uses shipping more efficiently by reducing the packaging and the size towards less CO2 intensive forms of transport such as barge transport (Sony, 2011). Next is about dye sensitized solar cell. It can produce electricity by converting energy from light. This type of cell is produced by low cost materials so manufacturing expenditures will be lower. Moreover, vegetable based plastic can last long and fire resistant which is suitable use for durable consumer goods. Sony has decided use this material in year 2002 for walkman cases use. After that, it has been widely used in different products including DVD players, VAIO devices and so on (Sony, 2011). It is undeniable that technologies can help to protect the environment, so Sony should take this advantage to maximize the use of technology and contribute it to the environment. The uses of technology can reduce carbon dioxide; apparently can avoid green house effect. Customer ‘No customer there is no business.’ Customer satisfaction will be a target of company. SONY business can improve customer satisfaction. (David Eaves, 2010) If we make the customer feel that they are special, customer will be appreciate us and help in increase our dividends in business with support our product. (Adhijik Naik, 2011) For example, SONY camera gives a high quality services to customers and meet their needs. Sony’s promoter will give more details and information to customers when they have question or problem with buying SONY camera. Information about SONY camera will attract their interested in SONY camera and needs. They will feel more satisfy when using SONY camera. Then their satisfaction will be achieved through SONY camera. So, customers are very important in our business because they can easily influence our level of business. Then, with customer it will increase sales by up selling and cross selling other products. (David Eaves, 2010) Up sell ing means promote the product to attractive customer to buy it while cross selling means sell the product in another branch. SONY will have an excellent profit and their sales will increased with loyal customer to support it. For example, SONY’s promoter describes the function and advantages of SONY camera to customer and compared with another product. They use their technique to persuade customer such as cheaper prices or special package of SONY camera. Besides, customer can satisfy and increasing requires of business on the need to efficiently route and apply fresh idea. Customer can also help in increasing business revenue. (Gaynor Borade, non-year) For example, customer will purchase the SONY camera and SONY Company will earn profit from them and their business will achieve a high target. SONY Company also always creates some new fresh function of SONY camera to attractive customer to purchase in order to earn profit and their loyalty to SONY camera. So, SONY Company will have a stable commerce with emergence of the customer. In addition, customer can become addition of the businesss behavior. That’s mean customer enable the entrepreneur to observe the growth of business into dream mission planned. (Gaynor Borade, non-year) To success in a business, entrepreneur always observe customer’s needs, wants, and demands in order to make a strong strategy to attain achievement. For example, they create the SONY camera according to customer’s favourite for instance different colour of camera and it will attract them to purchase it even improve business environment to better. From the analysis above, it is obviously that customer is very important to SONY Company because customer’s needs, wants, and demands even their response will influence the SONY camera will be purchased or not. More customers there will higher market value of SONY camera while fewer customers there will lowest market value of SONY camera. S upplier Suppliers always work as equal partner and building relationships according to mutual trust (Sony Corporation, 2011). A supplier can satisfy a market function when he creates a new relationship with customer and partners. (Walter A., 2003) For example, suppliers promote and transmit the SONY camera to partners and have a good communication with them when they are selling SONY camera to customer. When partners satisfy with supplier and SONY camera then they will continue have a business with them in order to satisfy a market function. After that, Sony strengthens relationship with suppliers in make stronger technological capability, guarantee and advancing the quality of parts and sustaining competitive prices. Besides that, Sony manage and observing ‘Sony Group Environmental Vision†together with supplier in order to protect the global environment and realize a sustainable culture. (Sony Corporation, 2011) So, suppliers have strong bargaining power in SONY Company. Suppliers are very important in developing new technology of SONY camera in SONY Company. Sony Company always creates and supply camera to customers in order to fulfil their needs, wants and demands. So, suppliers are important to become Sony partners to provide the product to customers and create a value in SONY Company. When supplier provides different prices and materials of SONY camera then it will affect competitive among SONY. Then SONY Company’s business will reduced and less profit will be gained. So, SONY Company are always expects supplier to provide items at greatly reasonable prices and make a concentrated effort to decrease cost. (Sony Corporation, 2011) Lastly, it shows that supplier is vital in SONY companies. It plays a role in building relationship and strengthens it among customer and SONY product. Supplier’s service will bring good outcomes for SONY companies and get a well performance in the market. Intermediaries Retailer and wholesaler are included in intermediaries. Regarding to SONY’s website analysis, without intermediaries there is a difficult to get SONY product. (Sony electronics Inc, 2011) For example, intermediaries need to purchase SONY camera from SONY Company and set an acceptable prices even a quality package of SONY camera in order to fulfil customer and let them easy to purchase SONY camera. These processes are vital in a business. Through research of SONY’s website, retailer is also helps customer to prevent from buying low quality product. When customer purchase SONY camera from retailer, they can be assured that they are purchasing a high quality product. Retailer can confirm quality of SONY camera and provide warranty for customers. If retailer fulfil customer satisfaction there will achieve a high level of business because of high responses from SONY customer. So, retailer can assure customers to have greatest experience when buying a SONY camera from reseller. (Sony electronics Inc, 2011) With SONY’s analysis, SONY retailers can produce assistance in setting up customers products and provide a good customer service to them. They can provide a good customer experience that can helps the customers to make a right decision. SONY’s retailer also can assist in sending the value products and service to customers when they buy a SONY camera. (Sony electronics Inc, 2011) For example, retailer can help them and explain the whole SONY camera’s function and uses to them and introduce them a good quality product that suitable them and satisfy their needs when they want buy camera. A good service such as talk politely to customer will persuade and influence customer to purchase it. So, retailer is important for customer. From the analysis above, retailer is strongly to help in SONY companies to get a high value in the market. They try to give a good performance to customer and try to meet customer’s needs. Retailers also fulfil customers’ requirement. So, retailer is quite vital and their service will be appreciated by customers. Competitors It is crucial for Sony Corporation to watch attentively to its competitor so that they can maintain its position in the market. Sony Corporation has two types of competitor, that is, direct competitor and indirect competitor. Direct competitors are organisations that produce ‘similar’ products and services (wiseGEEK, 2011). Nokia, Motorola, Canon, Fuji Photo are all examples of direct competitors to Sony (Upvery.com, 2010). Indirect competitors are firms producing different types of products but satisfy the same needs (Rich Harshaw, 2011) of customers. The indirect competitor of Sony is video iPod. In which Sony PSP and iPod produced similar striking feature (Frank Hedley, 2008). Other competitors, especially in the software industry are Microsoft. To maintain its competitive edge, Sony keeps updating the products with latest technologies that make it stable and sustainable over its competitors. The use of advanced technology in products has raised the quality and uni queness, and has resulted in a mark demand increase. Though other competitors may seemed to be a threat to Sony Corporation, however with the fast paced advance in technology and the unstable global economy, Sony has embarked on collaboration and strategic alliance with its main competitors. Sony is in joint venture with Sony Ericsson which itself is a threat for new market entrants (Butod, 2010). Advanced use of technology in Sony products such as Game Consoles, Video Equipment and Mobile, and continuous production, switching costs and product differentiation has made Sony rather unbeatable in the electronic industry. Apart from forming strategic alliances with its competitors, Sony has reviewed its manufacturing priorities and streamlined its resources to produce electronic products that are in greater demand and has continued producing differentiated products which could ensure its competitive advantage. As reiterated above, Sony’s ongoing process and product innovation has made it almost impossible for any current competitors and new entrant to compete them successfully, and this will be the core factor that will ensure Sony’s dominance in electronic products consumer market. Thus, despite threats of current competitors and new entrants to the market, Sony Corporation is one of the world’s leading producers of electronic products. Approximately eighty (80) percent of hand-held computers in the United States operate on a Sony operating system while Microsoft which is a major competitor has only sixteen (16) percent of market share. Sony Corporation has hardware market share of sixty (60) % (2002), and other major competitors, Handspring is using Sonys operating system, and hold about 7% and 14% market shares respectively. (Butod, 2009). Government The government imposed regulations to ensure business transactions are conducted in a fair and just manner. Legislations that are passed often influences the productions possibilities of a company and hence the type of goods and services that can be offered to the consumers. Apart from the above, the government also enforce taxation to collect revenue that will maintain itself and supply public services that may be needed by companies such as Sony. For example, Sony’s income taxes benefit amounts to $19billion resulting in an effective rate of 10% in Oct 30, 2009 (wikinvest, 2009). In addition to the government’s role in regulating companies and taxation, the government also plays a major role in ensuring companies observe corporate social responsibility. An example of Sony taking over public responsibilities is the attitude of how Sony enthusiastically engages themselves in activities related to environment and climate changes. Sony plans to cut down 7% or more of CO2 gas emission comparing to the fiscal year of 2000 levels (Sony Corporation, 2009). In July 2006, Sony joined the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) with companies that plan and also carry out efforts to reduce greenhouse gases. By participating in this program, Sony is committed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and lower the product annual energy consumption. In short, Sony maintain corporate social responsibility, and though it incurs cost, but in the long run it ensures business sustainability. The Financial Community Shareholders are very important for Sony Company because they support the organization’s future expansion. There are two types of shareholders, that is private and institutional. As seen in the chart below, a major portion of Sony’s shareholders are the corporation itself (60.18%), followed by foreign investors (27.27%) and subsequently financial institutions (8.74%) (Sony Financial Holdings, 2010). Figure 1: Ownership and distribution of share Resource: http://www.sonyfh.co.jp/en/financial_info_e/shareholder_e/shareholder.html Sony cooperation has to consider the needs and hope of possible investors. The shareholder share represents a certain small percentage of ownership in the company therefore, stockholders has the right to obtain certain percentage of the company’s profits in the form of dividends (Farlex, 2009). As in Sony, one of its important management task is to increase in returns to its shareholders, as well as return on equity. Its basic policy on returning profits to its shareholders is to maintain the trust of current shareholders and attract new ones, as well as securing enough retained earnings for future business expansion. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, Sony provided the year-end cash dividend of  ¥3,000 per share of Sony Financial Holdings totaling to  ¥6,525 million as approved at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 25, 2010. With regards to its retained earnings, Sony has planned to utilize it in exploring new business, including the establishment of an individual annuities subsidiary, investing in information technology systems accompanied by business expansions (Sony Financial Holdings, 2010). Thus, with Sony’s dominance in the electronic company, and its high returns to shareholders and retained earnings, Sony is not only able to generate high profits with its current business ventures, but has also sufficient funds to ensure its future expansion in the competitive industry. In conclusion, Sony must not be harming the environment and human being as they are using a lot of chemical substances in their product. Next, they must proper dispose their chemical waste. Furthermore, Sony should cooperate with supplier, government to continue their business and also to compete with their competitors. Sony also has to change their strategy in every country to boost their sales.
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